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|Murphy's POV|

After Ethan picked us up, we stopped at Starbucks. By the time we got to school, everyone was pretty much getting there. As we walked in, people were looking my way.

"It's too early for this shit," I mumbled.

This girl pointed at me and I was trying to figure out what for. I didn't get a chance to say anything before Vaughn did.

"Why are you pointing at her?" Vaughn asked, getting the girl's attention.

I watched the girl roll her eyes and laugh. She had no idea who my sister was.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the girl said.

Vaughn shook her head.

"Chill, V. Come on," I said, leading her away from them.

She usually didn't come down the Senior hall, but I needed to keep my eye on her until the bell rang. As I approached my locker I saw it was vandalized with the word "Liar" and "Bitch" all over it.

"What the fuck?!"

I stood there staring at my locker, frozen.


I ignored Ethan. I came to this school for the last 3 years and minded my business. I didn't start drama with anyone. I stayed to myself. Didn't do anyone dirty. Now this shit?

"Aww look, it's the lying ass bitch," I heard a voice say.

I turned in the direction and before I could say anything, Vaughn spoke, again.

"Who the fuck are you talking to?!"

The girl that made the smart ass comment, everyone called her Lilo. She had a thing for Ethan from the day he came to this school. The difference is, I didn't throw myself on him. We naturally became friends. Once he asked me out, she's been talking shit ever since. I have no problem ignoring her. Words are words.

"Oh, look, she has her sister talking for her."

I dropped my bag on the floor, pushing Vaughn behind me.

"Babe, come. Walk away," Ethan said, trying to get my attention.

Fuck that.

"You should really listen to that boyfriend of yours. Anyways, hope you like the locker makeover, Levesque," she spoke again.

"You did that to my locker?" I asked, calmly.

She scoffed.

"I don't know who did it. I just know that it perfectly describes you," she said.

I nodded. The bell rang and people were starting to crowd around us. Of course security was nowhere to be found. Lilo was still standing there with her friends, laughing. I know it had to be them that did it.

"Which one of you put that shit on my locker?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Strike a nerve?"

I took a step towards her.

"I'm going to ask one more time before I start beating the shit out of you to get the information I want. Which one of you put that on my fucking locker!"

I was angry and I didn't trust my next reaction. If she didn't say what I wanted to hear, she was getting punched.

"I did," she smugly stated.

I nodded, again and stepped back. She looked confused.

"Wow she's a lying bitch and a punk," Lilo said.

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