My Sister's Keeper

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|Izzy's POV|

I had just got up from my afternoon nap and was on my way to get Logan when I got a call from my dad.

Hey daddy.

Hey, sweetheart. You busy?

I'm on my way to get Logan from school. What's up?

I heard him sigh. Something was wrong.

Dad, what's going on?

I need to talk to you and Jamie. Just give me a call when you get back home. I don't need you distracted while driving.


Isabella Marie, I'm not going back and forth with you. Call me when you get back home. Understood?

Even after all these years, my dad being stern with me still has me shook.

Okay, okay. I'll give you a call back once I get Logan settled.

Alright. I love you. Drive safe.

I will. Love you, too.

I arrived at the school and picked Logan up and got back in the car. Jamie called me.


Hey, what's going on with uncle Paul?

He called you, too?

No texted me and said that he needed to talk to me about something. Where are you?

I just picked up Logan. I don't know what's going on, but I'll swing by your place.

Alright. Brandon's home. He will let you in.

While Jamie and I spoke everyday, we hadn't seen each other much over the past couple of weeks. She was in full nesting mode preparing for  the baby and I was keeping up with Logan. I pulled up to the house and got Logan out. I rang the doorbell and Brandon quickly answered.

"Uncle B!"

Logan instantly jumped into his uncle's arms. I moved inside, closing and locking the door.

"Hey, Brandon."

"Hey, Izzy. Jamie said you were stopping by. Something about your dad wanting to talk and it must be important. What's going on?"

"I don't know. My dad just called saying that he needed to speak to me. From the tone in his voice, I'm assuming it's serious."

He sighed.

"Whatever it is, the two of you, please try and keep calm."

"I got you. Definitely not trying to send Jamie into early labor."

"I said the both of you, Izzy."

"I hear you. I'll keep my cool."

"I'll get LT settled and give him a snack."

"I want juice mommy," Logan said, looking up at me.

"No juice. You can have water and however much fruit you want."

"We have pepperoni, crackers, and cheese bud. I know you love that," Brandon added.

"I want cookies and milk," he said, stomping his foot.

"That's more of a dessert. I said fruit, Logan."

He stood there staring at me. I took a step towards him, but Brandon spoke before I could.

"Logan, fix your face," he said, sternly.

"Fruit, water, and whatever else your uncle offered. Those are your options," I stated.

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