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|Brandon's POV|

Jamie has been going through a lot and she has these mood swings where one minute she's fine then something triggers her and she goes off. I've been trying my best to help her through it, but she thinks she doesn't need help. She shuts me out. It's time she talks to someone about how she feels because this cycle is weighing down on me.

While I'm usually not one to walk away, I needed some space to clear my head. Knowing Ty was off, I decided to give him a call.


Hey, Ty.

Hey, man. You good?

Mind if I stop by?


Alright, see you in a few.

I got to their house about 15 minutes later. Izzy opened the door.

"Hey, Brandon."

"Hey, Izzy. Sorry to interrupt your alone time."

She waved me off and moved to the side to let me in.

"You need your brother right now, I get it. Plus,
I'm pretty sure he'd rather hang with you than watch me sleep."


I laughed seeing Tyler appear behind her.

"Hey, babe."

"You're supposed to be laying down."

"Yeah, about that. I was but then I wanted a snack. So I came to get one and then the doorbell rang and I know you said Brandon was stopping by so..."

"So, can you go rest please?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm grabbing my snacks. Do you two want anything."

"No, babe, we're good. Grab your snacks and go relax. I got this."

"Oh and I need to make dinner."


I watched the smirk form on her face. I couldn't hold back my laughter. Ty just glared at the both of us.

"Just kidding, babe."

She took off to go get her snacks. Ty motioned for me to follow him to the living room.

"Want something to drink or eat? I was about to make lunch."

"Whatever you're having works for me."

He nodded.

"To the kitchen we go."

As we entered Izzy was leaving with a basket full of snacks. I sat down as Ty started pulling out the ingredients. I didn't know what he was making.

"So, what's going on?"

"Just trying to navigate life with Jamie."

He frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"She spazzed on me today about working. I never said I didn't want her to go back to work. Of course I want her to take her time and ease back into it. I also don't want Bianca at the studio."

"Why not?"

"Jamie is going to be working and..."

"Bro, what's the real reason?"

"I know how much she loves dancing. I also know how much she throws herself into work and forgets everything around her."

"You and I both know that she wouldn't do that with Bianca," he stated.

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