Truth Revelaed

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|Zach's POV|

We beat the Texans and now my mind was clear for the next few days. With everything going on, I'm thankful I was able to tune it all out on the field. Now back to reality I went and showered and changed before heading to the Skybox to greet everyone. I was surprised to see my uncles were here, plus my mom and Rob.

"Uncle, Z!" Logan shouted, as soon as he saw me.

He couldn't get up fast enough, running over and jumping into my arms.

"Hey, Buddy. I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too. You going back home now?"

"No, I'm staying for a few extra days."

His eyes lit up.

"Really?! Can you take me to school? I told all my friends how great you are. I even wear my jersey to school. Look at the new one Auntie Ro made me. I'm going to wear it to school tomorrow. Can you sign it for me?"

I laughed at his request.

"Yeah, Buddy. Go get one of the sharpies over there and I'll sign it for you."


He wiggled out of my arms and took off to get the Sharpie. Izzy made her way over.

"Good game, bro."

"Thank you."

"Your nephew is hyper."

"I can tell. He asked me to take him to school."

She laughed and shook her head.

"Of course he did."

Sure enough he came back with the Sharpie and his jersey. He had on a KC shirt underneath. This boy was decked out. I signed his jersey and he took off back to Tyler and Brandon, showing it to them.


That was ma's voice. She came over and gave me a hug.

"Hey, ma."

"You did so great out there, honey,"

"Thank you."

"You ok?"

"Just a little sore. Nothing an ice bath and massage won't fix."

She nodded and I felt a firm hand on my shoulder from behind me.

"He's tough, Steph. Comes with the territory," dad spoke.

I turned to give him a hug.

"Hey, dad."

"Hey, son. You really kicked ass out there today."

"Getting better and better."

"That you and it shows," Uncle Kev said approaching.

He pulled me into a hug.

"I'm proud of you, kid,"

"Thank you, Uncle Kev."

"Move your ass out the way," Uncle Mark stated.

"We can go if you want to go, Mark," Uncle Kev said, turning to him.

"Yeah, let's not have to take the two of you to the hospital for busting your asses, alright," Uncle  Shawn added.

They all started laughing. I shook my head. They were always threatening to fight each other. Well, really just uncles Mark and Kev.

"Good game, Zach. I mean you'd be better wearing a blue and white jersey. Maybe one day you'll get traded," Uncle Mark said.

"Mark, leave him alone and get over here," Mimi said from across the room.

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