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|Murphy's POV|

I was sitting in the cafeteria when Mr. Shepherd came up to our table. Ethan instantly stood up.

"Ethan, how are you?"

"Fine. Just trying to eat lunch in peace."

I pulled his hoodie for him to sit back down. I did not need him causing a scene right now.

"Murphy, good to see you. Although it would be good to see you actually show up in my class."

The students at the nearby tables started making sounds and whispering. I didn't give two fucks.

"I've been switched out of your class. It became official today when Principal Hollis met with my parents."

The look on his face was priceless.

"Your parents?"

"Yeah. I explained to them why I wanted to be switched out of your class."

"What would that reasoning be?" he asked with a smirk.

Ew, fucking creep.

"Yeah, let's go Ethan."

"Right behind you."

"See you later, Murphy!" he yelled across the cafeteria.

Ethan and I went to sit outside to finish our lunch.

"You good babe?" he asked.

"Yeah, just don't have an appetite anymore," I mumbled.

"Hey, don't let him get to you. Your parents are going to handle this."

"Why didn't Principal Hollis just believe me?"

"A few reasons. One, no principal wanted to hear about a teacher being inappropriate with a student in any way shape or form. Then there's the politics behind it. You know it's about money to them. You said it yourself, she mentioned Mr. Shepherd getting students into D1 schools in the year he's been here. More D1 school placements, the more people want to come here for the sports. The more students, the more money."

"Yeah, money over my safety. It's fucked up."

"I hear you."

"I'm not making this up. I know an accusation like this could ruin someone's reputation. I wouldn't have said anything if it didn't happen. I also couldn't just sit in his class knowing he did that."

The bell rung signaling lunch was over. Two more periods before the end of the days.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class."

As we reached my class, he stopped me.

"I'll meet up with you after school. I'm going to the auditorium last period. We're having someone come and speak to the athletes."

"Yeah, it's my brother."


"They've been trying to get him to come talk to the athletes and today's the day."

He smiled.

"Cool. I get to see your brother again."

"You know he doesn't like you, right?"

Ethan shrugged.

"Your dad didn't like me either."

I shook my head.

"Just because y'all had a pow wow doesn't mean he likes you."

"He respected that I defended you though so close enough."

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