Party Rock

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|Tyler's POV|

After the ceremony, we spent about a half hour taking photos. It was pretty fast. Izzy's picture with her dad and uncles throwing up the Kilq sign was priceless. I stood there staring, reminiscing on the first time we met.


I was rushing to class, per usual. This semester was kicking my ass. In my haste, I bumped into someone.

"Damn, I'm sorry," I said, trying to help her pick up her things.

"It's okay. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either."

As we stood up to face each other, we locked eyes. She was beautiful.

"I'm Izzy," she said.

"I'm Tyler,"

We stared at each other. What the fuck, Tyler. Snap out of it.

"Uh, I know it's a big campus, but I've been here for 3 years and haven't seen you before. Are you..."

"I'm a freshman."

"Well, welcome to USC."

"Thanks. I uh, have to get to class. See you around, Tyler."

I watched her walk off, not even caring anymore that I was late.

It would be another month before I saw her again. I was in the library studying when I heard her voice.

"Is this seat taken?" she asked.

Looking up, I smiled.

"Not at all."

She smiled back, taking a seat.

"Lots of books, you must have a serious major."

I chucked.

"Yeah, I'm pre-med."

"Oh wow, a doctor."

"What about you?" I quizzed.

"I'm a dance major. Just getting through my basics this semester."

"A dance major?"

She nodded.

"Yup, been dancing since I was little. One day I hope to tour and have a studio of my own. What about you? What route do you plan on taking with your medicine?"

"Not sure, really. I mean, I've always wanted to be a surgeon, but I'm also interested in physical therapy. Still, leaning more so towards being a surgeon."

We ended up talking until we got kicked out of the library.

"I'm sorry I interrupted your study session," she stated as we left.

"It's cool. Let my cousin Brandon tell it, all I do is study."

I enjoyed talking to her so much. I didn't want another month to go by of not seeing her.

"I really enjoyed talking to you, Tyler."

"Same, here. Would you like to get coffee next time?"


We exchanged numbers and I went back to my dorm as she went to hers. From that moment forward we talked pretty much every day. The rest is history.



Snapping back to reality, I saw Izzy waving me over.

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