Family Feud

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|Brandon's POV|

Jamie and I have had Logan for the past week while Izzy and Ty have been on their honeymoon. Olivia is with my aunt and uncle. I got a call a few days ago for Logan to go on a playdate with Tucker and Tatum's kids.

I already know how my cousins move. They're up to something. I try to protect Ty at all costs because often times his brothers are on some fuck shit. Tucker more so than Tatum. Getting ready for the day, I got a call from Tyler. He hadn't made a decision yet. Logan is not my child and I wouldn't take him anywhere his parents didn't know of or approve.


Hey, B. Where's Logan?

Downstairs with Jamie. I'll put him on in a minute. How's The Maldives?

It's beautiful. Private villa, top of the line service. If I didn't have Logan and Olivia to come home to, I would definitely stay here.

Glad you're enjoying it. You need this break before you head back to the hospital.

Yeah. Not looking forward to it.

Why not?

Being home for the past 3 1/2 months is why. Izzy will be back to holding down the fort while I work. Plus, you know her and Jamie are going to be going full throttle with the studio.

Hey, like you told me, adjust. 

You're right.

So, did you make a decision on Logan going to have a playdate with Matteo and Sasha.

Matteo was 8 and Sasha was 5, going on 6.

I watched his face change.

Izzy said she's fine with it.

What about you?

Fuck no, but since you're there, fine. I know you won't let anything happen to Logan.

Of course not. They wouldn't do anything to him. You know that.

I know, they just get on my damn nerves. Plus, I don't want to keep Logan from getting to know his cousins even though their fathers are idiots.

You gotta stop letting them get under your skin.

Easy for you to say. They've done bullshit to me ever since we were little.

They did it to me, too.

Still, it's different. They didn't push up on your girl.

Ty, Khloe is in the past. You moved past that.

I'm not talking about Khloe.

I stared at the phone.


Tucker pushed up on Izzy.

What? When did this happen? Where the hell was I?

He did it not once, but twice. First time was when she was pregnant. I was in Cali. She was between her uncles and my mom and dad's. He told her if she needed anything, to let him know. She took it as a kind gesture until he started making his inappropriate jokes. Then after she had the baby, he flirted with her. He always does shit when I'm not around, but I don't need him making her uncomfortable.

Izzy didn't tell you this before?

We had a talk when we got here. She saw the tension between me, Tuck and Tate at the wedding. I explained to her the issue and she told me how sometimes Tucker rubs her the wrong way. Trust me, if I would've known...

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