Man to Man

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|Tyler's POV|

After working a back to back shift, I was finally going home. On my way home I got a call from Tucker. All I wanted to do right now was sleep.


Hey, Ty. How are you?

Tired and on my way home from a double. What's up?

Well, I won't take up too much of your time. I'll be in town with Sasha this weekend. I already asked Izzy about a possible play date. She said she'd get back to me. Most importantly, I'd like to speak to you.

I rolled my eyes, half listening to him speak.

Sunday I'm off, but if you want to swing by tomorrow, sure.

He didn't need to know I was on call.

Alright bro, great. I'll see you then.

Not even responding, I hung up the phone. Wait, he said he had called Izzy. She never mentioned it.

Pulling in the driveway, I saw Izzy's car wasn't here. The house was quiet. I showered and laid down. Didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I heard my phone ringing, waking me up. Looking at the time, I'd been knocked out for a few hours.


Wassup man. I'm at your door.

Go home, Brandon. I'm sleeping.

Man, get your ass up and come open the door before I call your wife and tell her you left me out here.

Good, call her and tell her to come open the door for you.

I hung up the phone and I heard banging on the door. I rolled out of bed, half sleep, and went to open the door.

"About damn time."

I cut him a look and he laughed.

"I forgot how grumpy you can be."

I rolled my eyes.

"Brandon, what do you want?"

"I just came to check on you."

"Well, here I am. Alive."

I went to the living room and crashed on the couch.

"You talk to Tuck?" he asked.

"He called me."


"And if I get around to talking to him while he's in town, cool. If not, don't care. I told him come over Saturday. I'm on call so I may or may not be here."

"Really, Ty?"

I sucked my teeth.

"Why are you pressing the issue, B?"

"Man, we're grown with kids. Tuck is a dumb ass. Always has been, and honestly, probably always will be. I just think y'all need to hash shit out, one on one, alone. No interference. No me, no Tate, no parents, nobody. Just the two of you. That's what I did."

"You sat down with Tuck and didn't kick his ass?"

He laughed.

"Damn, am I that bad?"

"Do we really have to go down memory lane?"

He scoffed.

"Don't act like you're innocent."

"Never said I was. He told me he apologized to Izzy. She didn't tell me they spoke."

"She was probably waiting for you to come home from work to talk about it. I suggested he call her and clear the air. He never apologized before."

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