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|Murphy's POV|

What Senior girl wouldn't want one of the most popular boys in school as her boyfriend? That would be me. Ethan and I started off as friends and I'd rather keep it that way going forward. He's not a bad boyfriend. I just know right now, a relationship with him or anyone is what I don't want. He's been telling me I'm distant lately. I've just been trying to figure out what I want. I felt obligated to be with him after he had my back with everything that happened with Mr. Shepherd. Hell, he even stood up against my dad and made it through an interrogation with my uncle and brothers. Sounds picture perfect, but I'm ready to focus solely on me. Call it selfish, but I have the right to be.

My parents have no idea what's been going on. I told Vaughn. Well, she cornered me and asked what was going on since mom, dad, or our driver has been taking us to school the past couple of weeks. I told my parents Ethan was busy. They didn't question it. I know I can go to either of my parents about this, but I don't want to. I don't need a lecture about it. It's really not that big of a deal for me to not have a boyfriend. I'm sure the men in this family won't care either way.

I know if anyone gets the whole lone wolf thing, it's Jamie. I know I could call Izzy, but she's due any day now and I don't want to bother her with this. Laying in bed, I texted Jamie to give me a call when she got a chance.  A FaceTime call came in about  15 minutes later.


Hey, Jamie.

Hey. Why do you look so sad?

I do?

Yeah, you do.

I wouldn't say I'm sad, just have a lot on my mind.

Mmm to be 17 again. Hold on a sec.

I saw movement then Bianca popped into the screen.

Say hi auntie Murphy.

Hi BB. Auntie misses you. Can't wait to see you soon.

You guys are coming down here?

Yeah, mom and dad said more and likely for Spring Break.

I heard Brandon's voice in the background and then Bianca disappeared.

Damn she couldn't say bye?

Jamie laughed.

Don't mess with papa bear and his baby girl. Anyways, what's up with you? What's on your mind?

Being single.



Things aren't going well with you and Ethan. I thought...

Nothing is wrong with Ethan. He didn't do anything. I'm the one who doesn't want to be in a relationship.

I watched her raise her brow.


Yeah. Why is that so surprising?

I don't know Murphy. You and Ethan just seem like you really care about each other.

I do care about him. That's not going to change. He's my best friend.


So, I just want to be single.

You sure it's not something else?


You know, you can tell me if it is. If Ethan did something, I will kick his ass.

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