Sweet 16 Or Not

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|Vaughn's POV|

All Summer I've been training. I've been giving it my all, busting my ass. Two more years of high school and I want nothing more than to be a WWE superstar. Hell, my coach says I could make it in MMA. I've been considering what my dad said about having a backup plan, but I'm here to ride what I have going until the wheels fall off.

Just when I think I don't see my family enough, this past year we've had a lot of gatherings. There was Zach's birthday, the holidays which include meeting Baby B. Then there was the Super Bowl, Zach and Kylie's engagement party, Logan's birthday, Izzy & Ty's wedding, and Murphy's graduation party. Now, it's my turn. My Sweet 16 is here and I'm doing something none of my sisters have, I'm having a huge party. Kids have been talking about it at school and it's going to be better than all the birthday parties I've been to.

My sisters went on trips for their birthdays or had something small with family. Yeah, not what I wanted. My mom and I have been planning this party for months now. She was ready to call the whole thing off after I got caught up with the flight club, but my report card saved me. Now here I am again, about to get it cancelled all over again.

My party is just a few weeks out and I've landed myself in trouble, once again. What's new, right?

I was laying in bed, you know, I love my beauty sleep. I'm jolted out of my sleep by my covers being ripped off me. I groaned, trying to roll back up in the blankets.

"Vaugh, get your ass up and get down to my office, now."

That was my dad's voice. He wasn't yelling. He was quiet which was real scary when he was. Dad yelling was one thing, but when he's quiet, he's really pissed. I didn't even bother to look at his face. I rolled over to try and get up when I felt a swat on my bottom. What the hell?


"I told you to do something, but clearly you're hard of hearing this morning. Get up and get moving. If I have to come back up here, that swat will feel like a love tap."

He didn't say anything else as he left my room, closing the door. I checked my nightstand and saw my phone. Turning on the screen, I saw I had endless notifications. Scrolling through I saw picture of me at the fight club. Okay, here me out.  One of my friends invited me out to see his fight. I knew if I asked my parents they would say no. This did not look good at all. I don't know how I was going to talk my way out of this one.

I heard footsteps coming towards my room and I took off to the bathroom, closing the door. The footsteps didn't continue and I quickly got ready to go deal with my father. Opening the bathroom door, I saw my mother sitting on my bed.

"You lied to me," she said, quietly.


"After everything, you lied to me. I asked you were you still a part of the fight clubs and you said no."

"Mom, I..."

"You lied to me Vaughn, Evelyn! Don't stand here and try to tell me you didn't!

Her voice was sharp and I knew she was just as upset as my father was, if not more.

"I just saved you from having your father come up here. He's waiting for you downstairs. You have a lot of explaining to do and for your sake, I hope you tell the truth. No more lies. No more bullshit. You be open and honest with us, Vaughn Evelyn or so help me, your fathers hand will be the least of your worries."

She stood up and pointed to the door. I walked past her, but not without her landing a hard swat on my bottom. I jumped and instinctively put my hands behind me to protect myself. I went downstairs and my mother was close behind. Entering dad's office, I saw him sitting behind his desk.

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