Make It Work

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|Bash's POV|

I got to the club around midnight. You're probably wondering why I'm spoiling her fun. Knowing Ro, if I didn't intervene in someway and quickly, she'd do something stupid to really piss me off. As I entered the club, I went to the bar and ordered a beer.

I looked towards VIP and I saw Ro with her friends: Rumi, Evie, and Audrey. Some guys approached them from time to time, but they brushed them off. As they moved to the dance floor, I saw a guy from VIP approach Ro. He said something to her and I saw her shake her head. He started dancing behind her and she sidestepped him. Once he put his hands on her waist, I had seen enough.

Making my way through the crowd, I pulled him back, shoving him as Ro spun around.

"Hey man! Watch out!"

I held out my arm, blocking his path.

"Nah, I'm gonna need you to walk away."

Dude shook his head.

"I'm dancing with my girl."

I laughed.

"Your girl?"

He smirked.

"Yeah, my girl, my party, so move!"

I laughed again and hemmed him up.

"I could give two shits that this is your party and she damn sure ain't your girl. Are you, baby?"

I looked back at her and she quickly shook her head. I turned my attention back to dumb ass.

"Before I really embarrass you and crack every fucking bone in your face, I'm gonna give you a chance to walk away. Got it?"

He quickly nodded and I gave him a smile.

"Happy birthday, by the way."

I let him go, straightened out his shirt and motioned for him to walk off. Thankfully he took heed to what I said. I turned my attention to Ro. Her friends were behind her, stunned. I knew they were sauced, but sober enough to know what was going on. I'm sure they took an Uber here, but I couldn't just leave them behind.

"Alright, party's over."

"Aww, we just got here," Evie whined.

"Too bad. We're leaving and I'm not leaving you three here."

"We're big girls. We can take care of ourselves," Audrey added.

I shook my head at them.

"I don't care. Let's go."

"We're not leaving, Sebastian," Ro stated, folding her arms.

I gave her a look and she didn't budge. Okay, let's play your game Ro. I leaned down to her ear.

"Aurora, you've been testing my patience and I know, I've been ignoring it. That ends right now. You know better than anyone to not play games with me. You and your friends better follow me out of here or I will cause a fucking scene. Try me."

She looked at me before turning to her friends. Whatever she said got the moving to the exit. The three of them sat in the back while Ro sat upfront.

"Sorry, our night got cut short, guys," Rory said as I pulled up to Evie's apartment complex.

"It's cool. When we do a redo, drinks on you," Evie commented, laughing.

I shook my head.


"Don't worry. She'll be 21 soon and Jamie Foxx says blame it on the alcohol so..." she added.

I shook my head at her. She always had a song to go with something.

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