Baby Boy

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|Tyler's POV|

Going upstairs, Logan was sitting in the middle of his bed. I tapped on his door to make my presence known.

"Hey, bud."

"Hi, daddy."

I hated having to be the bad guy from time to time, but realistically parenting isn't all sunshine and roses. Tough decisions need to be made and as Logan gets older, I see what my parents had to deal with for all these years.

"We need to talk," I stated, sitting on his bed.

"Again?" he asked.

I had to stop myself from laughing.

"Yes, we spoke in my office, but this is a different conversation. Downstairs you told me what you did, which you know was wrong and you apologized for. You've been throwing a lot of tantrums lately. I want you to tell me what's bothering you."

"Nothing?" he quickly replied, putting his head down.


He shrugged.

"You sure?"

"Will you get mad if I tell you?"

"No, of course not. I can't help you if you don't tell me."

He slowly nodded his head.

"I feel left out," he stated.

"Hard having a little sister, huh?"

"Yeah. I love Olivia, I just..."

"You miss one on one time with me and mommy?"

"Yeah," he said, softly.

I pulled him closer to me.

"The kids at school told me you and mommy wouldn't love me the same now that Olivia's here," he added.


"Mommy used to pick me up all the time and we'd have special Friday's. You would drop me off on your way to work. You started working more and forgot about me."

As he said that, I held him closer. I hate that he's been feeling this way.

"I'm sorry, buddy. Mommy or I never meant to make you feel any different. You know, a new baby is not just new to you, but it's new to me and mommy, too. We all have some adjusting to do, but know that we don't love you any less now that your sister is here. We love you just the same."

"I missed you and I couldn't tell you," he said.

"I'm sorry, Logan. Daddy is so sorry. I can't go back and change things, but going forward I will do my best to make a schedule that works for us as a family."

"How much longer are you off work?"

"I'm home for another month or so."

"Will you be working as much when you go back?"

"To be honest, I hope not, but I'm not sure. If you feel like I am or you need me for anything, let me know."


"You know, I felt left out too when your Auntie Teagan was born."

"You did?"

"I mean, I had two older brothers, but I was the baby for a long time. When she was born, everything changed.

"Did it get better?"

I nodded.

"Not at first. You're older than I was so you can express yourself better than I could. What can mommy and I do to help you feel less left out?"

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