Operation Protect Kenny

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Eden Hall has been a challenging readjustment for all of us. Sure we've all been victims to the Varsity team - but Kenny can't seem to escape them. We constantly see them shove him around and they take his lunch every single day. Ken's like a little brother to all of us, so it hurts seeing him so miserable whenever we see him during school.

I was talking about it to some of the Ducks on the way to history class - said how tempting it is to fight them. Charlie and Connie advised against, but I know Portman would've already broken someone's nose if he were here. We're already in a heated prank war but it's not enough. We need to do more to stop it. I need to do more.

3 weeks later: nothing's changed. I sit on the far side of the table, barely touching my food. Deep in thought, I stare at the Varsity table ahead as they bully other freshmen. Though zoned out, Julie's voice temporarily draws me back.

"You okay? You haven't eaten anything."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I respond, still glaring at the Varsity.

"I'll eat it if you won't!" Goldberg shouts from the other side of Julie before Fulton shuts him down.

"Shut up, Goldberg."

Chatter continues amongst the room as I begin to fear that maybe Kenny gave up on trying to get lunch. That was until he turned the corner, food in hand.

As they grab his arm, I hear them ask what he has today. It sickens me that they get away with doing the same thing every day. I slam my hands on the table as I leap out my chair - their torture has gone on for too long. The others look at me in shock, startled. I have no real plan but this is operation protect Kenny.

"Uh oh." Fulton and Luis say in unison.

"What the?" Averman mutters as I begin to storm towards the enemy.

"Y/N no!" I hear Connie shout.

"This won't end well." Russ sighs as I pass him.

"It's not worth it, Y/N!" Charlie calls out.

Ignoring their pleads and warnings, I shove Cole and yell:

"Hey! Leave him alone! You already get everything handed to you, do you really need to harass everyone else?"

I barely get the words out before I'm knocked on the floor. Next thing I know, Guy and Dwayne are helping me off the ground as the rest of the Ducks gather around us. Everyone other than Adam, who just watches on. Cake-eater. Fulton and Luis pry Kenny away from them as Charlie becomes our voice.

"Don't touch them. You want to be physical? Save it for the ice."

"Alright, duckies. JV Varsity game this Friday. You win, we'll back off. We win, we'll ramp it up."


The rest of the week flew by and the game was minutes to the end. We trained harder than ever. It's not a normal game. We're fighting for not only our pride but to protect each other. We always have each others backs.

It's anyone's game as we near the end. Each of us has taken a beating, but Charlie has a plan - extremely risky but it's the best shot we've got.

In the final seconds, myself, Charlie and Goldberg skate towards their goal. After a nod from Charlie, I pass him the puck and get bashed into the boards by half of their team. Shocking everyone, he passes to Goldberg who wins us the game.

Varsity flee the ice before I can even get up. They can't stand the humiliation. Everyone cheers as everyone on the bench comes to celebrate on the ice. Fulton skates over to me instead of joining the others.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks as he offers a hand to help me up.

"Yeah. I'll feel it in the morning, but someone had to make a sacrifice, right?" He just laughs and agrees.

We skate towards them and I hug Goldberg and cheer.

"Goldberg, you did it!"

"We did it!" Charlie corrects him. "Thanks for taking the hit."

"Anytime. Ducks fly together."

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