Figure Skater

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This was requested by first-time requester _daphnebloom - I really hope you like it!

Unlike most people, I have the luxury of saying that I've been hand selected to represent team USA in the Junior Goodwill Games for figure skating. Each participating country gets one boy and one girl to put forward. I'm lucky enough to be USA's female candidate. Just a few months ago, I would've been with someone else.

My male counterpart and I don't get along too well unless it's for the cameras or some kind of event. Ken Wu would've been in his place if he wasn't convinced that hockey had more of a future. I wish that was the case. Ken is a good friend of mine - extremely talented. Though I'm sad he's gone, I wish him the best.

Most parents didn't fly out see us - well mine and a few others at least. It's pretty lonely here despite constantly having a camera aimed at you. I've tried to be friendly with the other figure skaters, but they are either uninterested or their coaches won't let you look at them or breathe near them. My coach is the only person I have here and even then, she's got a lot of business stuff to attend to. Ultimately, it's just me and my headphones.

Since I got here, scheduling has been a nightmare. So many early starts and late finishes - I'm exhausted. I can't believe just how much press they want me to do. With each country having multiple figure skaters as well as entire hockey teams, it's hard to find allotted ice time for practice in between that, games and performances. Luckily, we have a couple days off.

With some time off, I decide to explore my surroundings. I've barely seen outside of the dorm and rink walls. I saved up some money from my birthday which I brought here because I've heard tale of the large stores. Donning my beloved headphones, I wander down the street.

The streets are swarmed with people of all ages. It's almost overwhelming. Out of all the stores around me, the local book store is the first to catch my eye. Naturally, I decide to take a look around. Some titles are familiar to me - none more that the book I pick out. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Ever since I first read it, I sympathised and related to the characters - especially Ponyboy. Like him, I've also lost the closest person in my life.

Since I lent my old copy to a friend so that they could use the notes in the margin for school work, I decide to buy myself a new copy. After paying, I search for a different item to remind me of my time here. Just a few stops later, I find a beautiful charm bracelet. One of the charms takes me back to my favourite memories with that special person who I lost so tragically. It's as if I was destined to find this store. I have to get it.

With my new accessory on my wrist, I continue strolling through the streets. This time, I keep my headphones around my neck. With each step, I soak up the sun and take in the atmosphere. The chaotic calm is disturbed by the sudden blaring of a car alarm and panic.

"Again?" A shocked Texan voice asks as a group of boys jumps away from the car.

"These cars, man!"


"Watch it, Averman!"

I attempt to stifle my laughter as the group rushes towards me. They stop just a few feet in front of me to catch their breath and comment on the situation. Somehow, they look familiar. Oh, I think I know why. With nothing to lose, I make conversation.


"Hello there." The ginger haired boy fixes his glasses with a sudden smile.


"Are you guys part of the team USA hockey team?" I want to confirm my suspicion.

"How'd you know that?" The chubby kid is shocked.

"I've seen you around." I chuckle. "I'm on the USA figure skating lineup."

"No kiddin'." The cowboy seems impressed.

"Ah, yes, a fellow athlete." The ginger joker quips.

"Oh, yeah... I've seen you at the rink. I'm Jesse. This is Dwayne, Averman and Goldberg." I'm finally introduced to them.

The Ducks take me under their wing and let me hang out with them for the day. I've just met them, but I feel like I may actually have some friends here. By the sound of it, they've had quite the hectic day so far. To try and find a moment of calm, we go for lunch to get to know each other. I can already tell that Jesse has a slight attitude problem but means well. Dwayne is the gentleman cowboy. And Averman and Goldberg are the underrated clowns that lift up the group.

"Where ya from?" Dwayne asks before taking a bite of his burger.

"San Francisco."

"Wait, you're the Y/N that Ken always talks about!" Averman is proud of his realisation.

"You guys know Kenny Wu?"


"He's on our team!" Goldberg announces proudly. Jesse is too focused on food to contribute.

"That kid's a little rascal, but we love him." Dwayne smiles.

"What do you guys think of the team USA jackets they're parading us around in?" I question when I catch a glimpse of Dwayne's jacket.

"They're alright." I'm met with shrugs.

"I kinda like them." Averman states.

"Personally, I'm not a fan." I contradict.

"Oh, yeah, I hate them. They suck." Averman is quick to change his mind.

After lunch, the guys take me back to their dorms to meet the rest of the team. In doing so, I get an unexpected reunion with my dear friend Kenny. His face lights up like a Christmas when I walk through the door. I can already tell these people are going to be good friends to me.

Cut to the Iceland game...

Since I ran into Jesse and the others at the start of the games, we've become really good friends. It's great to know that Kenny has found a place within the team and that they accept him and care about him.

My competition is over now. I won the gold! I was tearing up on the ice when I saw the Ducks in the crowd. They didn't have to come but they took advantage of the fact that people from other sports get free seats. Today I'm repaying them. I've got a seat right next to their penalty box. There's been a lot of penalties, so I've been talking to them at every opportunity. Dwayne got put in for roping! Only he could do that.

After an amazing goal, Ken finds himself in a conflict. Somehow, the small boy dominates the fight before being escorted to the box.

"Way to stand up for yourself, Kenny!" He never used to be so brave. Soon enough, Dean and Fulton join him.

After the final buzzer sounds, I rush onto the ice and join my fellow gold medal winners in their celebration. What started as a mediocre and demanding couple of weeks has turned into the highlight of my life. And in all honesty, I'd trade my gold medal for their friendship any day of the week.

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