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This was requested by slushzy. I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted. Also, reminder that this will be the last request for a bit because I need a little break and want to get some of my ideas out.

For most people, it seems like they don't like their family - especially extended family from what I can gather. However, I also know that in most cases, there's that single person who is the exception. For me, that's my cousin Scott - though everyone calls him Scooter. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time at his house for one reason or another. Over the years, we've grown pretty close. When the time came for me to start at Eden Hall, Scott promised to take me under his wing and protect me from high school for as long as possible.

Since the school year started, I've been hanging around with my cousin and his friends. I'm not really a big fan of them or their girlfriends but I guess they'll do. Even with the few friends I have, I seem to spend more time with the Varsity - I'm like the annoying little sister they didn't want. I think a big part of it is because I love hockey and can spend hours talking about it with Scooter. I've never really played though - I played a little 1v1 with Scott when we were younger but that's pretty much it. That's why I decided to do cheerleading - so I could stay close to the hockey.

Considering the dynamic between Varsity and their cheerleaders, I was ready for the same experience with the new JV team. Turns out they're the gold medal team USA team from the recent Junior Goodwill Games. I was in awe of them when I saw them on TV, so, my excitement only heightened. I excepted to hang out with and get close to them based on what I've seen. However, a petty rivalry is preventing it.

I trust Scooter more than anyone, but he's easily influenced by Rick and Cole sometimes and they're very demanding. Their word is final. The whole team forbid me from associating with the Ducks because they're the enemies. I tried to argue against it but it was no use. After aggression from Rick, Cole, Mindy and Cindy, Scotty finally said something - calmly telling me it's for the best.

Here's the thing, there's a flaw in their plan that none of them have realised. They're freshmen and so am I. It's inevitable that our paths will cross - most likely in classes. That's exactly what happened. Adam tells me all about the team. However, I sit next to some of them in all of my classes. They've become great friends and understand that I have to pretend otherwise around Varsity.

Different Ducks sit beside me in each of my classes. However, I'm next to Ken in a couple of classes. Due to that, I've gotten closer to him than the others. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't falling for him. There's a lot of big personalities on the team and Ken is quiet and almost fades into the background sometimes. But he's the sweetest most caring guy around - plus he's insanely talented. I don't have a single bad word to say about him.

Considering our interactions are deemed forbidden, I find myself sneaking out a lot to hang out with them - especially Kenny. Connie and Guy often joke about us being like Romeo and Juliet. Ken's parents are kind of strict, so it's sometimes difficult for him to escape. Usually, they'll let him leave if they think it's for hockey or school. We're at the point where we don't even talk about hockey that much. What we have done is come up with a bunch of signals and secret messages for when we see each other but can't talk because of the controlling Varsity members and cheerleaders.

With each prank in their heated war, I heard all the stories from both perspectives. Varsity deserved every ant bite they got, especially with how they've targeted Ken. Part of me thinks they went for him because they suspect there's something going on between us. Me standing up for him and dealing with the repercussions didn't help. It's all been leading up to the highly anticipated JV/Varsity. Now that day has finally arrived. I want to cheer for the Ducks (including my old friend Adam Banks) but openly supporting them is risky - especially with my cousin on the other team. Even sitting with Linda would put me in a sticky situation.

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