He's Gone

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I've got some time to kill before I have to meet up with Luis and Averman. What to do? I'll visit Hans - he's become something of a grandfather figure over the years. It's a little grey and cloudy, but that won't stop us.

As I approach the store, I recognise a friend of Hans staring through the window. We've met a couple times, so I decide to greet him.

"You visiting Hans too?" I say with a warm smile.

"You haven't heard?" The man asks with a saddened look. "Hans passed away last night."

"What?" I'm shocked and speechless in disbelief as I begin to tear up.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this. I'm here to look after the store until things get figured out."

I apologise to him before quickly running away with burning tears running down my face. I don't know what to do or where to go but I keep aimlessly running away. It's like I'm on autopilot as I realise I'm heading towards Mickey's Dining Car. As I burst through the door, Charlie's mum, Casey, looks up and rushes over to me.

"Y/N, sweetheart, what's wrong?" She quickly pulls me into a hug.

"H-Hans died last night." I sob.

"Honey, I'm so sorry. Can I get you anything? On the house." She offers as she strokes my hair.

"No, but thank you. I've got to call the Ducks and tell them. Can you tell Charlie when he comes by later?"

"Of course. Take care of yourself and come over anytime, okay?"

"Thank you." I weakly smile as I leave.

I begin the journey back to my house. Trying to slow down the tears, I block out the outside world. I stare at the ground as I walk through the crowded streets. My thoughts drown out and overshadow everything else. The only thing that brings me back to reality is the sound of my name being called. Looking up, I see Luis and Averman at the end of the street. Needing the support of a friend, I run to them - hugging Averman on impact with so much force he gets knocked back a little.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong with you?" Luis asks as Averman groans.

"Hans is gone."

As I start to cry again, Averman tightens his grip. Luis joins him in doing so. The boys let a couple of tears slip. Moments later - and with our arms around each other - Averman and Luis walk me home before staying with me as I call the Ducks with the tragic news.

Cut to the day of the funeral.

"A little weird seeing you without your hat." I comment whilst talking to Dwayne. "You look good."

"Thank you. Gotta stick together, especially today."

"Will you stand with me and Fulton?" I ask as I look at him in the mirror.

"Of course." He smiles.

Dwayne stayed with me and Fulton last night so we could walk there together. There's gonna be a lot of hugs and tears today. As we leave the house and walk down the road, they both hold my hands. The whole walk there, it's a comfortable silence apart from small talk and thanks.

Reaching our destination, the other Ducks are arriving at the same time. I give each of them a comforting hug (including Casey) as we all check in on each other. Bombay is nowhere to be seen - unbelievable. Part way through the speech, Fulton squeezes my hand to remind me he's there and I'm not alone. I put my other arm around Dwayne with the same intention.

As we begin to wrap it up, a familiar voice takes my attention away from the coffin. Bombay finally showed up and he brought a d-5 jersey with Hans written on it. Seeing the jersey makes my eyes sting as I try to contain tears. As he places it on the coffin, he tells us:

"Every time you touch the ice, remember it was Hans that taught us to fly."

I let out a shaky breath as a couple tears escape. Charlie can't hold it together and walks away from us again. Once finished, Bombay comes and hugs each of us. When he gets to me, I ask to speak to him away from everything. He agrees then continues hugging the Ducks before taking a quick walk with me whilst the team waits for me.

"How are you holding up?" I ask him considering how long he knew Hans.

"It's hard, but you just have to hold on - remember the good times. How are you doing?"

"I found out first. I went to visit him and when I got there, I found out. I didn't know what to do so I just ran and cried. Not fun being the one who has to tell the team. It's not like we were all together so I had to repeat the same painful phone call."

"I'm sorry that got dumped on you. How's school going?" He quickly changes topic in an attempt to be less depressing.

"Everything's falling apart, Coach." I say as we sit on some steps. "The new coach is a drill sergeant - a tyrant. He took Charlie's C. He took Adam from us. I mean, we've barely been able to talk to him since they put him on Varsity. After an incident with the Varsity, he said the Ducks are dead - so myself, Charlie and Fulton left. Charlie felt betrayed when we went back - but we couldn't just leave the Ducks. Now Hans is gone." I start crying again as I replay each event in my mind.

"I know it's hard, but everything will work out." He puts a hand on my shoulder. "There's more to Coach Orion than you think."

"If he showed any emotion other than anger, then maybe we'd see that but we don't - especially Charlie. Is there anything you can do?"

"I'll talk to him - show him the truth. It'll be alright."

"Thanks, Coach." I say as we stand up.

"If you need anything, anything at all, call me." He gives me a final hug before going to see Orion.

As I walk back to the team, I wipe away my tears. Connie and Guy reach me first - quickly hugging me. Grabbing Fulton's hand and slinging an arm around Averman, we all walk away.

For the next couple hours we hang out in the stands of the rink Hans first watched us play on. We reminisce about when we first became Ducks. I'd love to see Ken and Tammy do a performance together. I can just see Dean protecting the little guys like Fulton did in the alley after our first game with Bombay. It's times like this that I'm really grateful for having the Ducks in my life. We'll get through this because we have each other.

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