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"Guys, I don't know shit about baseball, but don't we have the wrong number of people?" I ask as we near the bats.

"We're not actual players, so who cares?" Charlie shrugs. "We'll just split off and cover the space we can.

"Luis, you bat first." Julie hands him a bat.

"Who's pitching?" Averman asks.

"I'll do it." Jesse volunteers, prompting Averman to throw him the ball.  "Goldberg, take backstop."

We have some free time since we don't have to start hockey practice until next week. Bombay got us some bats and baseballs because a few of the guys mentioned wanting to do some baseball to have a small break from hockey. Since we're not a baseball team, we have to improvise. There's a huge field near Guy's house. So, we took our new equipment to it and set up some cones to replicate a real diamond.

"Everyone ready?" Adam asks.

"Yeah, let's go." A few of us answer as we take our positions - I take 2nd base.

"Play ball!" Goldberg yells from behind Luis.

We all focus on the game at hand as Jesse launches the ball. Without missing a beat, Luis connects his bat to the ball. As it soars through the air above us, we follow it with wide eyes, trying to figure out where it is going. It ends up going past Fulton - who is standing furthest away in the back of the outfield. As Fulton chases after it, Luis runs past each base, securing a home run instantly. Fulton throws the ball to Dwayne who passes it to me so I can return it to Jesse.

"Luis, that was amazing!" Connie exclaims from between the 3rd and 4th bases.

"Yeah, man." Russ is stunned.

"Where'd you learn to play like that?" Adam questions.

"I used to play with some friends every summer." He laughs at our amazement.

"Are we gonna keep score?" Ken asks, doubting everyone else's chances.

"I hope not." I mutter.

"Nah, we all know Luis would win." Charlie answers.

"Dude, I'm scared for Fulton batting. He's probably gonna kill someone." I jokingly raise my concern.

We continue swapping out batters for a few hours. My arms are killing but we're having fun, so it doesn't matter. Averman tries to show off and ends up accidentally throwing the bat. It almost hits Julie but Adam tackles her to the ground and Dwayne catches it. A couple people hit homers. However, I break the streak.

"Oh, man. Come on, seriously?" Goldberg whines.

"Sorry, Goldberg."

"To be fair, it was a bad hit." Averman comes to ruin his day. "She's right in front of you."

"Oh, shut up, man!"

A few bats later, it's my turn once again. I step up to the plate - Jesse and I stare each other down. As he releases the ball, I tighten my grip and prepare to swing. Suddenly, I hit the ball and instantly start running towards Ken at first base. Just as I get to him, I hear:

"Ha! You're out, Y/N!"

"Fuck you, Portman!" I scream at him as he laughs from the outfield after catching my big hitter.

"You wish!"

"Bite me!"

"What is wrong with you guys?" Charlie interrupts, shaking his head as the others stare at us.

Russ says something quietly to Fulton and Julie, but I can't tell what he says. We carry on playing for another hour or so before Goldberg lies down and refuses to play. It's at this point that we all agree how exhausted we are. Plus, I'm sweating like a pig out here. Unanimously, we all agree to go get some ice cream to cool down. Adam also said we could hang out in his pool for a bit. Him being a cake-eater benefits us sometimes.

"We should play again tomorrow." Charlie suggests as we all begin walking to the edge of the field.

"I'm down." Julie nods.

"Yeah, totally."

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