Halloween Meets Secret Santa

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I'm not sure which adult came up with this idea, but it's odd enough it might work. One day at practice, Bombay and Jan told us about the idea of Halloween meets secret santa. All our names were in Goldberg's helmet. We had to pick a name and dress as that person at practice on Halloween. It's not going to be a normal practice - apparently there's plans for a few competitions and I'm determined to win.

I picked Fulton. We have similar styles but I'm not going the easy way out. I dread to think who picked me. I have plenty of bandanas, but I knew exactly what to do. Fulton was taking a shower after practice one day, so I stole his rainbow skull bandana and put his Harley Davidson one in its place with hopes he forgot which he had been wearing. Luckily, he didn't question it. The rest of the outfit would be easy. Band shirt, flannel, baggy pants and combat boots.

I told the girls about it since I knew I could trust them. However, I didn't tell them about my secret weapon. Today is the day they'll find out - I just need to call coach so I can get there early and hide from everyone until the time is right. I'm about to call him when my phone starts ringing. It's Bombay.

"Hey, coach."

"Hey, I'm about to set off. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, just need to grab my skates."

"Alright, I'll be there in 5."

I had to tell coach about what I was doing otherwise he wouldn't help me. I grab the bandana and make it look just like Fulton would. Before I know it, I see coach pull up outside. I grab my things and quickly climb into the car.

"Thanks again for doing this, coach."

"No problem. Looks good! When did you get it done?" He asks whilst looking at my secret weapon.

"Last night. I had to make sure the team didn't see."

When we get to the rink, I don't have much time before the team starts to arrive. We have to be quick. As I put on my skates and rush onto the ice, Bombay ushers me to the box.

"You'll have to sit on the floor. Best thing I can do on short notice. I can hear them coming."

"Remember the plan?" He nods in response and quickly skates away as the Ducks and other adults make their way onto the ice.

There's a lot of chatter before Bombay does a register. I hear mutters wondering why I'm not there. It's showtime. Coach asks if anyone has seen me, prompting me to pop up and jump onto the ice. Everyone loves it.

"Wow, you nailed Fulton!" Connie applauds.

Before he can talk, I put my hand on his mouth and say, "not a single word, Averman."

The first contest proceeds - who did the best job visually? I've got this in the bag. As discussed I'm at the end of the line. As it continues, we come to Luis. He skates towards the adults to present the look. I'm guessing he had help from Connie and Julie since he's there with a trashy wig (like other people) and claims to be me.

"Did you borrow the shirt from Dean?" Charlie asks.

"It's official, Luis is a prettier girl than me." We all laugh.

Eventually, it's my turn. I skate forward and get ready for the comments.

"Where did you get the wig? It's way better than ours." Ken asks whilst wearing a cheap blonde wig to imitate Julie.

I keep my mouth shut and try to keep a straight face. They all look so cute - I can see the cogs turning as they try to figure out why I won't answer.

"Wait!" Guy says with excitement.

"Wait, did you?" Adam asks but doesn't finish the question.

"There's no way, right?" Russ doubts.

"You didn't." Julie's eyes widen.

"Oh my god." Fulton says in shock as he realises what I did.

Soon enough, everyone is on the same page. Everyone except for Goldberg.

"What are you guys saying? What did she do?"

This is comedy gold. This whole time of realisation, I've stood smirking. Before anyone can answer him (whilst they're all staring at him like he's spoken a different language) I start laughing. I can't help it.

"I got my hair cut and dyed to look like Fulton's" I admit.

"You're crazy! I love it!" Dean jumps.

"When did this happen? We've been with you constantly." Julie pipes up.

"Last night when I left your house."

Everyone stands in shock that I took it as far as I did. They all say how it suits  me. Naturally, I win this part of the contest. The next thing is puck control challenges. There's an added pressure on Fulton on this one since he came as the cowboy.

Obviously, Dwayne crushes the challenge. Fulton does okay, but none of us come close to Tex. We continue with various challenges throughout practice. Who would've thought this idea would work as well as it has. Finally, it's the slapshot speed challenge - meaning I have extra pressure because I picked Mr. Slapshot. They leave us until the end for the slapshot showdown. I let him go first so I know what I'm up against.

"Alright, Fulton, 3 shots." Bombay clarifies.

He takes position and fires. At the end of his turn it is revealed that Fulton's fastest slapshot is 88mph. Holy shit, he's good. We all clap as he returns to the group. As I go to take position, Averman yells:

"You got no chance!"

Dean shoves him onto the floor and growls, "better shot than you!"

When they calm down, I take my first shot. 75mph. I shake it off and take my next shot. 84mph. Dammit, Averman was right. Even though I've been practicing, I'm not as good as Fulton. I think of anything that could give me the energy and power to win this. Miss Mckay and some of the Ducks give me reassurance - including Fulton, even though it's me vs him. I take a deep breath and take that final shot.

"Holy shit." Portman mutters.

"Woah." Bombay is stunned.

91mph. Everyone goes wild. How did I manage to beat Mr. Slapshot? Still in shock, I'm crowded by the team celebrating like we'd just won a game. I'm the overall winner and couldn't be happier.

"Slapshot Queen!" Dwayne yells.

"Does that make Fulton her Slapshot King?" Guy and Goldberg laugh.

Rolling our eyes, Fulton turns to me and congratulates me. "That was awesome! Well done, Queen Slapshot."

"Why, thank you, King Slapshot." I laugh. "We should try figure out a way for this to be a new power play or duo like the Bash Brothers!"

"Totally. Let's go to the alley after this. I have an idea."

When I changed my hair and started practicing my slapshot, I didn't expect a new power duo to be created. Long live King and Queen Slapshot!

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