Farm Life

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The Junior Goodwill Games were a few months ago. The whole thing feels like a fever dream - I can't believe I have a gold medal to my name. Despite the rocky introductions with our new teammates, I've made some really good friends. It was a real kick in the teeth when we all went our separate ways. I took a strong liking to Dwayne pretty quickly - I've never met a soul like that cowboy and I never will again. Although I keep in contact with everyone, there's nobody out of state that I talk to more than him.

Dwayne can get pretty busy with work on the farm, but we always find time to call. We've also been sending each other letters with the odd small gift - this started after he sent me some pictures of  his horses and I sent some of the team. I don't know who's been mentioned to the team more - Dwayne by me or Portman by Fulton. They may get slightly irritated by the constant name dropping, but they live for updates on the animals.

Last week I got the biggest shock of my life beside winning the gold a few months back. After practice last week, Bombay pulled me to the side and revealed that as an early birthday present, he was going to fly me out to Texas for a couple of weeks to stay with Dwayne and his family. Unfortunately for Bombay, Fulton was passing by and heard the news. As a result of the following conversation, Fulton is being sent to Chicago at the same time.

After spending a couple of hours in the airport killing pre-flight boredom with Fulton, we eventually split ways with his flight leaving about 10 minutes before mine. Being so early in the morning, the airport was practically a ghost town. My excitement to see Dwayne made the time fly by and distracted me from my fear of travelling alone.

When we landed, I shuffled through the crowd to try and grab my bags and find my favourite cowboy. As soon as I walked through the gate, my eyes became fixed on his hat in the sea of people. A path formed and I was finally face to face with my pal and a grin crept onto my face as I saw the sign in his hand. He greeted me with open arms when I rushed over. I soon discovered that the man next to him was his father Wayne. Honestly, he's been just how I imagined so far.

By the time we arrived at the farm, Dwayne's mother Tammy, his older brothers Bowen, Mason and Trevor and his younger twin sisters Riley and Harlow as well as their dog Cooper were already eagerly waiting outside for us. The charm clearly runs in their genes. I immediately felt as if I was part of the family. Some of them wanted to invite extended family before I even got there - I'm thankful that Dwayne advised against it so that I wouldn't get too overwhelmed. I'm sure I'll meet them during the stay though.

The first meal was a large and delicious homemade one. I can only imagine what Thanksgiving is like here. I haven't seen a table so full since Goldberg's birthday. Naturally, your typical ice breaking pleasantries were exchanged - but there's only so much time in a day - I can't wait to find out more about them. Considering the flight, heat change and high social interaction levels, I called it a night soon after dinner and retired to the guesthouse. I'll start admiring the Texas nights tomorrow.

Cut to the next morning...

"Rise and shine, partner!" Dwayne hollers as he bangs some pans together causing me to spring awake and almost fall out of bed.

"What time is it?" I groan, not wanting to open my eyes.


"6? Dwayne, why do you hate me?" I hide under the covers hoping he'll leave.

"I don't. Ya said ya wanted the farm experience. Ya slept through Ronnie the rooster, so I had to take matters into my own hands. So, pitter patter, let's get at 'er!" How is he this upbeat at 6am?

"What's for breakfast?" I ask as I find the energy to get out of bed.

"Well, Mason is collecting some eggs right now. Momma will be cooking bacon and sausages. Ya could have toast or some fruit or some cereal. We use milk from our own cows."

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