Cover Story

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Yesterday some of us went paintball shooting (not related to the last story btw). It was great and everyone knows it. What they don't know is what happened after. Fulton and I have been secretly dating for a few months and he stayed over last night. Luckily, my brother, Charlie, stayed with Adam so he has no idea. We're hanging out with the team again today - which made what I saw on my neck worse.

"What the fuck? Fulton, look what you did!" I freak out.

"It's huge." He's speechless.

"Charlie's gonna kill us."

"Come on, we're 19. These things happen." He tries to reason.

"He's my brother. You're one of his best friends. You know he's gonna freak." I remind him how this is far from normal.

"You're right." He admits. "Couldn't you just cover it with some makeup?"

"I don't have any. I can't ask Connie for help because she's away for that wedding - and I can't talk to Julie because she's in Maine for 2 weeks." I ramble nervously as I pace around my room.

"Can't you call another friend who has some?" He tries to keep calm.

"I don't have any other friends!" I shout in frustration before there's a brief and panicked silence.

"We need a cover story then." Fulton states as he sits on my bed and watches me pacing.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." I frantically agree as I attempt to think of something. "Um, I'll tell him you accidentally shot me in the neck with a paintball." I snap my fingers and point a him.

"I'm concerned by how fast you came up with that." Fulton raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well, I've gotten used to lying to Charlie, so..." Fulton is about to say something until he thinks about the last few months alone - instead he just sighs and nods in agreement. "So, do you think it'll work?"

"Best chance we have." I smile at his answer.

"Good. You need to go home and change." I suddenly say.

"What? Why?"

"They'll start questioning you if you show up wearing the same clothes as you wore yesterday. Especially if we turn up together." I explain.

"Good point." He rushes to the door, stopping by it. "I'd rather stay here with you."

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too. Now get out of here." I quickly kiss him and push him out of the door. "I'll see you in an hour!" I call after him.

With him now gone, I take a deep breath and compose myself. I have to hurry up and get ready since I need to head to cake-eater's house because Charlie doesn't have any of his skating gear. In record time I grab everything I need and start skating to Banksie's house. 10 minutes later, I knock on the door and make sure my hair is covering my neck.

"Morning." Adam smiles as he opens the door and brings Charlie into the front yard.

"Hey, cake-eater." I return the smile. "Dickweed." I greet my brother as I hand him his things - he just rolls his eyes.

The 3 of us continue to crack jokes whilst waiting for Charlie to get ready. Casual conversation ensues on the way to the park. When we arrive, most of us are already there. Last to turn up is Fulton. Sliding slightly away from the group, I give him a small smile and thumbs up to indicate we're safe.

We spend a while skating around time doing a lot of dumb stuff. Going down a big hill, I hit a hole in the road or something and go flying. As I hit the ground, I groan in pain. The Ducks flock around me.

"Are you alright?" Dwayne asks as he helps me up.

"I'm good."

"Damn, what happened to your neck?" Dean asks from the other side of me, causing Fulton to look at me with wide eyes and fear.

"Oh, uh, Fulton accidentally shot me in the neck during paintball yesterday." I sound as sincere as possible.

"That don't look like no shoot bruise." Dean is skeptical.

"What?" Charlie is confused.

"Fulton shot me. What are you on about?"

"Yeah, looks like a hickey to me." Luis - our expert - adds. Fulton slowly starts backing up.

"What?" Charlie yells.

"I shot Ken in the neck and it doesn't look like that." Adam tells us - shit, I didn't know about that.

"You're a god! Oh my god, Fulton!" Averman howls, gaining a few other laughs.

"Fulton! What did you do to my sister?" Charlie turns to him and yells.

Fulton panics skates away as fast as he can. Charlie chases him, screaming as the rest of the team clap and cheer. I quickly join the chase to prevent injury or death. As Charlie grabs onto Fulton, I tackle him.

"Charlie, man, I'm sorry!" Fulton screams in defence.

"You slept with my sister?"

"Charlie!" I shout and shove him away before standing beside Fulton.

"What the hell is going on?" He asks as the rest of the team surrounds us.

I look at Fulton - he gives me a slight nod. I turn back to the others and take a deep breath.

"Fulton and I are together." I grab onto his hand.

"What?" A few of them question.

"You're dating?" Goldberg widens his eyes. Fulton squeezes my hand in support.

"For how long?" Charlie asks, still glaring.

"About 5 months." Fulton answers.

"5 months?" Dwayne echos.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Charlie seems hurt.

"Because we were scared you'd freak out like this."

"Wait until the others find out." Averman laughs.

"The girls already know because they can keep a secret."

We continue talking - trying to calm everything down. Eventually, Charlie comes around and accepts the fact that Fulton makes me happy. He knows Fult is a good guy - but he still gives him the whole brotherly warning. Thank god that got diffused quickly. Now we can get back to the fun and we don't have to hide anymore.

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