Blacked Out Blur

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Inspired by Last Friday Night by Katy Perry. After Eden Hall, some of the Ducks bought a house together (they all split into groups and bought places together) . They also remained good friends with Scooter. Welcome to the day after a big party at Y/N, Fulton, Dean and Ken's house.

As I begin to wake up, I instantly feel my head pounding. I guess I had way too much to drink last night. Turning to face the other side, I realise I'm not alone. The realisation makes me jump out of my skin. What the fuck? Cautiously, I lean over to see who it is. I start frantically shaking him until he wakes up, groaning and confused.


"Averman, why the fuck are you in my bed?" I blurt out hoping it's just a coincidence - please say I didn't do anything with Averman. I mean we have our clothes on so I'm gonna say nothing happened.

"What? I'm not - oh god, I am." He grabs his glasses. "Did we?"

"I hope not."

Our horror and confusion increases when we hear someone else. We look around to find the suspect. Turns out there's a couple of people on the floor. What the fuck happened last night?

"Hey, Luis. Hi, Connie." I greet them as I realise it's them.

"Where are we?" Connie asks as she gets up and sits on the bed with us.

"Not our house." Averman references the fact that another group of Ducks bought a house together.

We all sit on my bed and try to remember the events of the night before. I kissed someone but I can't for the life of me remember who.

"Weird question - did I kiss one of you last night?" They all claim that we kissed. "Wait, what? I kissed all of you?"

"Uh, Y/N..." Luis points at my neck.

I panic and quickly run over to my mirror. Freaking out, I say:

"Oh my god. Averman, did you give me a fucking hickey?" I instantly pin it on Averman since I woke up next to him.

"No! I know for a fact that was not me!" He quickly defends himself.

"Then who was it?"

"It could be anyone from the party. You made out with literally every single one of us - including Scooter." Connie reminds me.

"Everyone?" My eyes widen and my jaw drops as she shows me pictures as evidence.

They all deny being responsible for the hickey, leaving me desperately wondering who the hell it was. All of a sudden, there's a cough seemingly from inside the wall. I open the door to my right to find the culprit on the floor.

"Oh, cake-eater." I laugh. "I'm pretty sure your bed isn't in my closet." I help him out.

As Adam comes into the light, we all start laughing and Averman takes a photo. This makes Adam sigh and ask:

"Someone drew a dick on my head, didn't they?"

"All Fulton and Goldberg." We laugh as he sits down.

"Did anyone actually leave?" Luis asks.

"Probably not." Connie responds.

"Let's go head hunting." I say.

They all follow me out of my room. We make our way through each room of the house and find Scooter and the Ducks. Everyone gathers in the living room. I'm about to crack down on my investigation when Fulton points something out.

"Uh, Y/N, Dean's passed out in the kiddie pool."

"You guys have a kiddie pool?" Julie raises her eyebrow.

"Well, we can't afford a built-in one." Ken pipes up.

"Yeah, what do you think? We're made of money?" I shut her down. "Fulton, go get him."

Whilst we wait for them to return, we all watch, record and take pictures of the hilarious attempt through the window. Fulton tries to pull Dean up but gets dragged into the pool. We all laugh as the water splashes around him. He starts chasing Dean into the house, meaning Dwayne and Charlie have to stop them so they don't slip or kill each other. They quickly go change since they live here and don't want to stay soaking wet. When they get back, I begin my semi-planned speech.

"So, apparently, I made out with all of you last night - which is pretty impressive on my part." I gain some congratulatory nods. "Whilst I don't remember a lot of it, I'm sure Connie and Julie were better than all of you."

"Hey!" A few of the guys whine.

"The question is, which of you fuckers did this?" I show the hickey on my neck.

They all make comments and deny responsibility.

"Someone had to have done it." Charlie points out amidst the denial as a few of them check their camera rolls for hints.

"At first, I blamed Averman since I woke up next to him. But I don't think It was him."

"You had Averman in your bed?" Goldberg's jaw drops.

"I also found Banksie in my closet, but that doesn't mean shit."

"I found your culprit." Russ announces as he looks up from his phone.

"Place your bets everyone." Averman laughs.

"Probably Dean or Luis." Julie says.

Instead of saying who it was, Russ plays the video. The second verse of Beachboy by McCafferty blasts from his phone as we relive the moment. It's like they were lined up to make-out with me. At first I think it's Guy because it looks like he's gonna go for it. However, he gets shoved to the side and replaced by...

"Fulton?" We look at him - some of us shocked, some of us impressed.

"Oh, I remember it now." He slowly says as his face turns red.

"At least you kept it in your pants." I don't go off on him since I live with him.

"How do you know for sure?"

"Don't even go there, Goldberg." I glare at him.

We're both a little uncomfortable but honestly, it's not the worst outcome. Thankfully, Scooter changes the subject.

"I'm gonna do a coffee run. What do you guys want?"

Scooter writes our orders in his notes app and quickly leaves the house. Whilst we wait for him to come back, the rest of us start cleaning the place up. As time goes on, I start to remember the crazy shit that happened. What a night.

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