Dinner Disaster

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We got Varsity pretty good when we froze all their clothes. That's why I don't trust this Varsity/freshmen dinner. I hate that everyone is dressing up - why can't it just be casual?

"See, I told you that you didn't need a dress to fit the dress code?" Connie smiles as we stand in front of a full length mirror.

"Yeah, but I don't see the point of dressing up for those untrustworthy snobs."

"Agreed. You look good though." Julie smirks from the other side of the room.

The three of us continue laughing as we grab our things, meet with the boys and head to the cars. I end up sharing a car with Averman, Charlie and Dwayne. I can't help but expect the worst.

"Why do you look so miserable?" Charlie asks me.

"You can crawl back to your cave later." Averman cackled - I give him a death glare.

"I don't trust these guys."

"I'm sure you're just paranoid." Dwayne turns to me.

I try to gain some of their optimism as we pull up to the fancy restaurant. Us Ducks aren't used to this kind of setting. At least they're paying, right?

"Let's get this over with." I mutter.

Charlie let's out a soft laugh as we walk in and find the table. Some of the team and Varsity are already sat down. Surveying the scene, I try to figure out where to sit. I'm not comfortable with being sandwiched between Varsity jocks - but they're making us sit next to at least one of them to socialise. I guess it's time to move a couple people.

"Hey, Ken."

"Hi, Y/N. I see Connie got to your wardrobe."

"Obviously. I hate to do this, but do you mind moving down a seat? I don't want to have to sit next to two Varsity guys." The desperation in my eyes screams as I ask him for this favour.

"Yeah, sure." He smiles.

"Thanks, Kenny." I sigh with relief as I sit where he just was.

I try to relax knowing that at least I'll have Kenny next to me and Luis opposite me. I talk to them and Fulton who sits a 3 seats down from me. During a pause in our conversation, I hear my name from my left.

"Hey, Y/N." I turn to see a smiling face.

"Oh, hi, Scooter."

"You look really pretty."

"Oh, uh, thanks." I awkwardly smile, kinda flustered by the unexpected compliment.

I can feel eyes burning into me. So, I look back at Luis with his shit eating grin - giving him a death stare as he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

As the night goes on, I start feeling a little better about the situation. The food is some of the best I've ever eaten - and I've actually been speaking to Scooter more than I thought I would. It's been nice having the chance to talk to Adam without him being dragged away. I guess I was overthinking everything again but it seems too good to be true. I'm talking to Ken and Luis when we're interrupted by Rick Riley standing to make a speech.

"On behalf of the Eden Hall Warriors state champion hockey team, I'd like to welcome the future state champs - the Eden Hall freshmen. Here, here." We all cheers and repeat his last words. "We're just glad you loaned us Banksie so that we'd have a chance to beat you guys in the annual freshmen/Varsity showdown. Now, nobody move. We've got one last surprise. Fellas. Banksie."

Varsity guys start to get up and exit through the double doors.

"Don't worry, we'll be right back."

The rest of us look around confused yet excited. As the doors close, I hear Guy announce:

"Guys, I don't want to spoil anything, but I overheard something  in the bathroom - it's a cake! Act surprised, alright."

"Dude, I don't think I can eat anything else." I laugh, surprised I'm not as miserable as when we got here.

We all share glances, smiling from ear to ear. I am a little confused as to why the entire team had to leave if the surprise is a cake like Guy said. Suddenly, the doors open as staff wheel in a beautiful tiered cake. I'm surprised by the amount of sparklers present.

"They are too kind."

However, as it gets closer, Goldberg reads the edible words of defeat.

"Thanks for dinner, losers!"

My heart sinks as my smile fades. I knew it was too good to be true. "Untrustworthy snobs." I say under my breath.

"Oh, man." I hear Guy's disappointed and Charlie is handed the bill.

"857 dollars?" Charlie is speechless. Dwayne echos him as everyone voices their disbelief and betrayal.

"What was that about me being paranoid, Dwayne?" I spit. He looks down with regret.

"Where are we gonna get that kind of cash?" Goldberg asks in a panic.

Since we have no way of getting anywhere close to that sum of money, they make us clean everything. We're the staff now. Unfortunately, I draw the short straw and get stuck cleaning the bathrooms with Connie and Goldberg. Before choosing a stall to clean, I tie up my hair and throw a bandana over it like a skull cap. As I smooth it out, Fulton walks in to help us and asks:

"When did you get a bandana?"

"Oh, please." I scoff. "I had it in my pocket the whole time." He looks at me both impressed and jealous. "You want one?"

"You have another?" I pull out another bandana that I stole from his dorm. Portman would be proud. "You're the best."

"I know." I smirk as I approach the end stall.

We all start cleaning. I try not to gag as the smell hits me. Connie groans in the stall 2 across from me. This sucks. I stop scrubbing when I have a thought that pains me and I can't believe I'd even think it. I have to ask:

"Do you think he knew?"

"Who?" Goldberg asks.

"Adam. Do you think he was in on this?" I say lowly trying not to tear up at the thought.

"After everything we've been through. Surely he wouldn't knowingly let this slide." Connie reasons.

"Yeah, why would he just let it happen?" Fulton says.


"Y/N, what did you do?"

"When we froze their stuff, we got Adam's stuff too."

"What, why?" Connie's voice gets higher.

"Julie said he's one of them now, so Russ froze his stuff. I was gonna tell them not too but it was too late."

"Great! That really worked!" Goldberg scolds.

We continue cleaning - we get done pretty quickly. As we put the cleaning equipment away, Charlie runs in and tells us:

"We've got a plan to get them back. Come on, I'll explain in the car."

It's on.

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