Escape Room

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"We're gonna die in here!"

"Shut up, Averman!" Jesse counters his shriek.

"Dude it's been 5 minutes. Calm down." I say to him.

We've always wanted to do an escape room. Some of us finally decided to combine our money and do it. I'm kinda starting to regret bringing Averman. Still, it's probably better than bringing Goldberg. He'd probably complain he's hungry the whole time and would definitely stink up the place.

"Where do we even go?" Ken asks.

"Uh, there's something on that wall." Adam points.

We walk over to the laminated poster and realise that all the text is backwards. Luckily, there is a small mirror propped up beside it. The note leads us to a drawer. Unfortunately, it's locked. How the hell are we gonna find a key?

"We'll come back to it." Adam shrugs it off. "Someone try the literal puzzle over there."

"Yes, Captain Cake-eater, sir!" Averman and I salute and laugh.

Whilst the others search for other clues and try to figure out different aspects, Averman and I work on the puzzle that Adam mentioned. When we slide the final piece in place, we hear a click as a new drawer opens up in front of us. I smile at Averman and let out a small laugh.

"Ha! We got a key." I proudly announce.

"Try it out." Jesse references the locked drawer we found earlier.

I rush past them with Averman following me. This is the moment of truth. The key fits and clicks as I turn it. We all celebrate briefly before looking inside. What we find is a small red box with a different kind of lock. One that requires a numerical code instead of a key. Kenny notices some bizarre puzzle that mixes maths and some kind of code. I'm decent at maths but this is ridiculous.

"How the hell are we supposed to figure this shit out?" I ask in disbelief.

"I think I can figure it out." Averman stares at the board.

"Sure you can, man." Jesse teases.

Averman tries to figure it out with Adam and Ken staring at it from either side of him. Jesse and I split to look for anything else that may help us later on. About 5 minutes later, Averman loudly announces his suspected success.

"I think I got it! Y/N, try 4634." He instructs me since I stand closest to the box.

I do as he says and turn the dials so the number reads '4634'. As I turn the final dial to make the number, the lock pops open.

"Averman, you're a genius!" I shriek. I can't believe those words just left my mouth.

"You guys heard that! Y/N called me a genius!"

"I promise that it will never happen again." I assure him.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up." Adam laughs as he takes the box from my hands.

"What's in the box?" Ken asks.

"A note." Adam then reads the hint to us. "I illuminate the darkness and reveal your secrets."

"The hell does that mean?" Jesse questions.

For the next 15 minutes, we stand around looking for what could be the solution. Our time is slipping away and we're stuck. For a while, we were on a roll. Now we're getting nowhere.

"How long do we have left?" Kenny asks.

"Like 10 minutes." Adam replies.

"I gotta pee." Averman whines.

"Dude, if we brought Dean and/or Fulton, they could bust the door down." I state.

"Quit daydreaming about your boyfriends and keep looking." Jesse rolls his eyes.

"Oh, shut up, Jesse. At least I can get someone."

"Hey, what did the clue say again?" Adam interrupts our bickering.

"I illuminate the darkness and reveal your secrets." Averman recites the note.

"Think I found the answer." He claims as he pulls something from a hollowed out book.

"A black light?" I question.

"Clever." Averman nods.

"Someone kill the lights." Adam instructs.

After Jesse turns the main light off, Adam scans the room with the newly discovered black light. Suddenly, an arrow lights up - pointing to a boxed bench/storage unit in the corner. Jesse turns the light back on and we open it up to see what it could be. The inside reads 'the end is near...' On the side touching the wall, I notice something similar to a cat flap or a hatch.

"Kenny, come here." I signal him over. "Think you can fit through there?"


Kenny climbs into the box and proceeds to crawl through it. He's gone. Whatever is on the other side of the wall, Ken is there now.

"What if he just never comes back?"

"Shut up, Averman." Jesse bites.

"What's going on in there, Kenny?" I call out to him.

"There should be an anagram under the table in the middle of the room! Unscramble it and I can type it in! I think that should open the door!" He shouts back.

"Alright, hang in there, buddy!"

Since I'm terrible with anagrams, I stay by the wall and let the others figure it out. About a minute later, Adam suggests 'egotistical'. Kenny punches it in as we wait patiently. Suddenly, the door beeps. Jesse rushes to it and pushes it open. It's finally over.

"You can come back through, Kenny!" I cheer.

Kenny crawls back through and I help him up. We all run out the door and celebrate. We did it with just under 2 minutes to spare! Once we're out, we can finally go to the bathroom. Time to get food in celebration.

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