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This was also requested H1s_B4byD0ll_ I had a little trouble trying to piece some stuff together, so I hope it's to your liking.

Everything has been slowly crumbling lately. I knew that sooner or it would all come crashing down. My grades have been slipping. A turbulent home life and lack of sleep began to affect school and hockey. Now, at practice, it's clear that this information has been passed onto Orion as he takes me to the other end of the rink. Great, another adult who's anger is gonna be blamed on me.

"What the hell is going on with you?" I stay silent and avoid eye contact. "You're fanning your shots, you're causing way too many turnovers, any speed you had is gone - and I've just had word that you're failing some of your classes and barely passing the others."

"Yeah, I know." I sigh as I notice Averman slowly getting closer behind Orion - most likely to easedrop again.

"You're an A student and an excellent player. This isn't you. Where is your focus?" Once again, I remain unspoken and almost checked out. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." I do as he says as he raises his voice slightly - getting the attention of the others. "Whatever point you're trying to prove, you better cut it out right now!" He yells - now I'm present - he makes my blood boil.

"Oh, yeah. Because as soon as something doesn't go your way, it means I'm trying to prove a point?" I start to argue for my life.

"You have 0 focus on school work or hockey! You're not sticking it to the man! You're ruining your education and future hockey career!" At this point, the team can't take their eyes away from this car crash. Though Averman is much closer to us than he should be.

"Well, excuse me for having more important things going on!"

"Nothing is more important than this!"

"Oh, yeah? Tell that to my family!" I scream, almost in tears. He's taken aback but is determined to stand his ground.

"That's no excuse! You leave all that at the door when you come here!"

"Fuck you, old man! You know, I was just starting to think you had a heart. Now, I know that I was wrong. At least it's not on the test, right?" I rage.

"That's it, young lady! You're benched until further notice because of your bad grades and horrendous attitude! Now, you can stay in the box for the rest of practice!"

"Bite me!" I shout before skating to the box, slamming the door shut and throwing my stick to the side in an unbridled anger.

With Orion now riled up, the team attempt to look busy as not to make it worse. Thanks for sticking up for me guys - really appreciate it. However, there's one exception. Whilst trying to balance on one skate, Averman slips and crashes to the ice below right as Orion turns around.

"Averman, what the hell are you doing? I told you to go warm up and practice shooting!" Orion directs his anger at him.

"I know. I just thought this was more interesting." What is he doing.

"What? You got a lot of nerve to talk back to me like that. Now, I suggest you join the others before I make you do laps." Orion threatens him.

"Well, you see, coach... I'd love to. But given current situation," he glances over at me. "I think it's best that I skip practice... And the next few games."

"I've had enough attitude already this practice. So, if you're part of this rebellion, you can join L/N in box and you'll be benched from the next game too." With only a slight pause, Averman replies with a straight face.

"See ya." He quickly joins me in the box as I stare at him in shock.

"Anyone else?" Orion grits his teeth whilst addressing the others. "Didn't think so!"

I watch the others try to keep straight faces as practice continues. This is gonna be the worst practice of their lives because of me. With this, my grades and everything at home, I can't help but think that maybe things really are my fault. With Orion focused on everyone else, I question by best friend.

"What did you do that for?"

"I couldn't just let you sit here alone and bored all practice. Plus I'd have nobody to talk to." He cares really.

"Glad I'm your entertainment. Maybe I should start charging you." I roll my eyes.

"Besides, he was way out of line. Nothing that's going on is your fault." This is a side of Averman that most don't see.

"I-" I go to protest.

"Don't deny it. I know that look." I just sigh. "Things will get better. I would never lie to you." He looks me in the eyes and I know it's the truth.

"Thanks, Les." I smile as I lean against him and try to calm down and relax after that chaos. "I appreciate it, but that was a dumb move on your part. The guys need you."

"Nah, they'll be fine without me for a few games." He waves it off.

"Hey, don't sell yourself short." I scold him.

"I'm not." There's a brief moment where, despite shouting in the background, I feel somewhat comfortable without having to say anything.

"So, what are we supposed to do when they're playing? No chance they'd put us on if someone got hurt - so no point showing up." I break the silence.

"Karate Kid marathon at my place?" He suggests.

"You buying pizza?"

"What kind of question is that?" Averman laughs - I join him and feel joy for the first time in a long time.


So, that's what we did. We didn't care that we were missing games because we got to hang out. By the way, I was right - they needed him because they lost without him. I really love Averman. He may seem like a joker to everyone else - and he is. But he's more than the clown, he's my best friend.

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