Who's Next?

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Myself and the Bash Brothers decided to have a day to ourselves. We've been to the record store, got lunch and hung out at the arcade. Eventually, we decided to head back to my place to watch a film or two and order some food. On the way back, we try to decide what to watch.

"Jurassic Park?" Fulton suggests.

"Love it, but - I don't know - not really in the mood for dinosaurs." I shrug.

"Breakfast Club?" Dean asks.

"Solid choice." Fulton gives a nod of approval.

"Hocus Pocus?" I smile.

"Yes!" They both agree with excitement.

"Oh, what about Wayne's World?" Dean questions.

"Dude, I love that film!" I  exclaim.

"Same." Fulton agrees.

"Screw it, let's just watch them all." I say as we reach the building.

Now at my door, I dig in my pockets to find my keys. However, as I go to open the door, I realise it's unlocked. The boys and I give each other confused glances as we hear faint voices on the other side. Just in case something bad is waiting, Dean goes in first. As we walk in and realise who is there, things make a little more sense.

"Hello people who do not live here."

"Hi." They reply.

Taking up the space on my furniture, I find Averman, Ken, Dwayne, Connie and Guy. I made a rule that spare keys would only be used in case of an emergency. Fulton, being aware of this, asks what the emergency is.

"If you say you ran out of doritos again, I'm breaking your glasses." I say to Averman, who used that excuse once before with Jesse and Goldberg.

"Too late. The arm got broken off - tape is the only thing holding them together."

"What happened?" I ask with concern.

"This group of guys tried to beat us up." Guy frowned.

"What?" Dean looked at them, disgusted they were targeted.

"Yeah, they kept shoving us around and stuff." Dwayne recalls.

"Some of us came out with scrapes and bruises. We took some of your plasters by the way." Ken informs me - I forgot I even had any.

"One of them tried to kiss me." Connie cringes at the memory - that's the final straw.

"We're gonna kill them." I say as anger rises in all of us.

"Where was this?" Fulton asks.

"Behind the mall." Dwayne answers.

"Lead the way, Cowboy." They hesitate.

"Let's go." Dean makes them leave.

"So much for movie night." Fulton sighs under his breath, gaining a light slap on the arm from me.

As we walk back to the location of the incident, rage begins to consume myself and the Bash Brothers. How dare they hurt my friends? Of course, we're going after them. However, it's my personal mission to severely hurt the creep who tried to kiss Connie.

"That's them." Dwayne points at the group.

"Alright, stay behind us." Fulton instructs.

"This should be interesting." Averman mutters to Ken as me, Dean and Fulton approach the group.

As part of the pre-discussed plan, Fulton and Dean trail behind and let me take the lead.

"Hey, boys." I say, catching their attention - ugh, they're practically drooling. "Which of you is most likely to kiss a pretty girl you just met?" I smile sweetly.

"Definitely me." One of them walks forward - way taller than any of us.

"Why don't you prove it?" I challenge him.

With a chuckle and a cocky smirk, he closes his eyes and leans forward. I wind up and swing my fist. The punch jolts him back and makes him fall to the floor. As he cups his bloody nose and groans in pain, the Ducks surround me.

"That's for trying to force a kiss on my friend."

"You punks are gonna get what you deserve!" Dean growls.

"Who's next?" Fulton crosses his arms.

As some of them try to run away, Dean and Fulton grab them by their collars so they have nowhere to go. You can see the fear in their eyes. Without breaking my stare, I ask:

"Averman, which one broke your glasses?"

"The crappy Rob Lowe wannabe." He snickers as I go to kick the guy in the dick.

We continue to rough them up until each of them has gotten the beating they deserve. They all run away as we shout for them to never come after us again. They all thank us for standing up for them. Before leaving, I ask:

"You guys wanna join us for a movie night?"

"Sure." They agree and we talk about the films we had decided on earlier as we walk back.

"I don't know what that is." Dwayne says confused and intrigued - we all look at him with wide eyes.

"You've never seen Wayne's World?" Fulton asks in shock.

"I haven't seen any of them, but I've heard of the others."

"Come on, Tex, seriously?" Dean asks in disbelief - Dwayne just shrugs.

"They're excellent choices." Ken states.

"Yeah, Hocus Pocus is a classic family Halloween movie." Connie tells him.

"Plus you'll see Averman in it." I smile.

"Huh?" They all question.

"You play Winifred, right?" We all laugh and Averman playfully shoves me.

"Don't worry, Dwayne, you'll love 'em." Fulton assures him.

When we finally get back to my place, we order food and start of with Wayne's World. Though an unexpected turn, its gonna be a fun night.

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