Injury On Ice

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After the Goodwill Games, old and new Ducks became a stronger family. I joined the Bash Brothers, making me the Bash Sister. Obviously I spend more time with Dean and Fulton, but not much more than you'd think.

It has been a few years since this roster came together. We've faced many tough opponents in that time. This, however, is the most brutal game we've ever played. I've never seen so many penalties in a single game. Russ, Dwayne, Goldberg and Banksie have all needed medical attention. There's always someone on the ground or being shoved into the boards or flying over another player. We can barely hang on.

"We're getting killed out there, coach." Charlie tells Orion in the locker room between periods.

"I know we are. Is there anyone not fit enough to continue the game?" Coach asks considering the beating we've taken. Luckily, everyone can still play.

"So, what's the play, coach?" Luis asks.

"You're playing hard out there - I'm proud of you. We need to ramp up defense - really look out for each other. Germaine, Conway, Gaffney, Robertson, Moreau and Y/L/N - you'll be the starters." He announces.

After running through a plan and explaining how myself and the Bash Brothers will take on the same position in different lines, we start to head back to the ice. I'm not usually separated from them - at least not both of them at the same time. Every step I take brings more doubt and fear, something I usually leave to others. I stare at the floor as I try to refocus before we reach the ice when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Guy asks with concern.

"Yeah, you're meant to be one of the the fearless ones." Goldberg adds.

"Don't really have a good feeling about this." I contradict.

"We're doomed!" Averman cries out from in front of us. Dwayne lightly slaps him for his outburst.

Now at the bench, coach Orion gives us a final pep-talk. Taking a deep breath, I skate into position with the other starting Ducks. Charlie takes the face-off but gets knocked down. They come flying down the ice as myself and Guy join Julie at the pipes.

We manage to block their shots before Guy passes the puck to Dwayne. Dwayne then passes to Charlie who sails it to Connie who manages to score. Though things are looking up, we're still being pummelled.

A few minutes go by and I can hear the team cheering from the bench as I check and dodge other players.

"Go, Bash Sis!" Dean yells as I skate by.

"Get 'em Y/N!" Fulton continues.

Caught up in the moment, I don't think about how much I'm annoying the other team - or how they're gunning for me more than anyone.

We're halfway through the 3rd period and the puck has just passed centre ice onto our side. We rush to try help Julie with defense. I head to the left with the intention of circling round the goal.

"Y/N, watch your back!" Russ warns me from the bench.

As I'm about to make a sharp turn, a stick smashes into the back of my leg. I tumble to the floor, hitting my back on the goal on the way down.

"Shit!" I scream out in pain. It can be heard past the bench into the stands Julie turns to face me on the ground and calls for a ref.

"Timeout! Ref, she needs medical attention!"

Every Duck that was already on the ice speeds over to me. They all get to me faster than a ref or medical staff.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Connie asks frantically as Guy takes my helmet off.

Gasps can be heard from the stands as medical staff finally make their way to me. I feel like I've failed them because I wasn't fast enough.

"It's alright, partner we've got you." Dwayne assures me as medical staff crouch next to me.

"Can you move?" The man asks me.

"No." I gulp, crying out in pain, desperately trying to get back into the game.

"Alright, stay down, Y/N, okay?" He says to me.

"O-Okay." I answer shakily as a few tears escape my eyes due to immense pain. They've never seen me like this. They've seen me cry and stuff but not whimpering in pain. Plus there's a huge crowd. If I wasn't in so much pain, I'd be embarrassed.

"Back up, guys. Give her some room. Can we bring in a stretcher?" He asks his coworker.

Great, just what the team needs. I've never been in this much pain before. The Ducks comfort me as we wait for the stretcher. They're too good to me.

The sight of a stretcher coming onto the ice sends the benched Ducks into a panic.

"Oh god." Orion says just above a whisper as he quickly makes his way over with everyone following - Dean and Fulton sprint past him.

"I'm sorry, coach. Russ warned me and I didn't listen. I let you down." I say weakly as they strap me onto the equipment.

"You didn't let anyone down. There was nothing you could do. You played a hell of a game, so be proud of yourself. We'll visit the hospital after the game." He reassures me.

"Thanks, coach." I give a faint smile.

The Ducks crowd around me, saying final words before they wheel me away. Dean and Fulton are on either side of me, both holding a hand.

"Which one of them did it?" Dean asked with a determined tone.


"He's so dead."

"You'll be alright, Y/N." Fulton said whilst giving my hand a squeeze. "You're stronger than all of us."

They begin to wheel me off the ice as the crowd clap and cheer. The boys hesitantly let go of my hands, not wanting to leave me alone with doctors and nurses.

"We love you, Y/N!" Connie shouts.

"We'll see you soon!" Charlie adds.

"Don't worry, we'll kick their asses!" Averman's comment is the last thing I hear before we head out of the doors.

3rd person

The team head back to the bench to discuss how to finish the last 8 minutes of the game without having someone else taken to hospital. However, upon hearing comments from the guy who attacked Y/N, Dean and Fulton don't hesitate to go over there and start a fight with him.

"You better shut your mouth and keep your stick to yourself!" Portman growls as he charges towards him.

"This is for Y/N!" Fulton roars with anger.

The Bash Brothers shove him on the ground and start punching. A ref quickly grabs them and leads them to the penalty box where the audience cheers for them honouring their closest friend.

At the end of the game the Ducks had been defeated. They didn't care. They just wanted to make sure that Y/N was okay.

It took a couple of months, but she fully recovered and was back fighting on the ice. In fact, having the Ducks support her during her recovery made them even closer - and nobody thought that was possible.

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