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Sophp4 has requested a happy Charlie story. Hope you like it - sorry for the wait.

A few years ago, I was part of what was quite frankly the worst pee wee hockey team you've ever seen. District 5. We didn't have proper equipment and half of us didn't know to actually skate properly. It was a disaster until Bombay appeared and eventually turned us into champions. That victory over the Hawks was the single greatest moment of my life.

Within the next couple of months, some of the team left - including myself. My dad got a job a few cities over, so I had no choice but to move a few hours away. My best friends were on that team. Best of all was Charlie Conway. Something about him was different - it made us closer. We got along like a house on fire and constantly hung out at each other's places. And I'd never say it out loud - especially to Charlie - but I had a crush on him. My love for him and the team only made leaving that much harder.

I didn't understand how hard it was for my parents to make the choice to move. I resented them for a long time. As time went on, contact between me and the Ducks slowly seemed to disappear. Life just got so shaken up that there was never the chance to call - and phone numbers were lost. Even though I made new friends, I never forgot about my old ones.

You should've seen the look on my face when I realised the Ducks made up most of team USA - with a few new additions. Connie must have loved having another girl on the team. Fulton seemed like a whole new person with Portman as his Bash Brother. I'm thankful that someone could bring him out of his shell. The rage I felt when Adam got injured - it was like old times from afar. And Charlie... He was still leading the gang to victory - the glue holding the team with together. It was like he hadn't changed. Although, hearing that he sacrificed his own roster spot to let Banks come back in the gold medal game for the benefit of the team shower his growth as a leader and a person. Boy, do I miss him. Them! I miss them all and wonder what happened to them after they got the gold.

When I got to my new school, I made it my mission to get on the hockey team before worrying about anything else. Not being able to use a gold medal to my advantage, I had to go all out to prove I could join. They were surprised by my quick progress and leadership that I learned from following Charlie. Soon enough, I was named captain - I wish I could've called him to tell him the news, he would've been over the moon.

Inspired by my old teammates, I studied team USA's footage to better my skills. I ended up breaking school records. I guess they have some form of scouts attending some games because about a month ago, I was approached out of the blue about a potential scholarship.

When discussing the details of the opportunity, I found out that the school is closer to my old house and therefore the Ducks - though gold medal fame could've taken them elsewhere for all I know. Wanting to pursue this path, I sat my parents down for a long discussion. They refused to move because of work and the friends they've made since moving. However, I kept pushing for my passion. Eventually, we came to an agreement. They'd drive me there and help me move into the dorms before heading home as if it's some boarding school. I was so excited by the conclusion that I ran around the house and packed immediately.

Today is my first day at Eden Hall - well, sort of. It's all about hockey today. I'm meeting the JV team for the first time for some chemistry testing ahead of the new season. Coach Orion asked if I'd come in early to meet with him and warm up before the others arrive. Despite asking for information as I warm up, he doesn't give me much to go on.

"I'll leave the name dropping to the introductions. All you need to know right now is that they're a tight-knit group of skilled players."

"That's great for a team. I'm just worried that putting me in the mix is gonna disrupt that." I convey my concerns as I continue to stretch.

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