Breaking The Ice

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I can't believe that a bunch of the Ducks are gone. I guess the idea of getting new players is a little exciting, but I am a little apprehensive. So is Fulton. Neither of us are the biggest fans of change. Man, I miss Tammy and Tommy. I bet it's just gonna be a bunch of guys.

Those of us Ducks who remain from the original lineup have been instructed to meet up at the rink to get an introduction and meet the new players. Charlie skated to our houses, picking us up one by one before our flying V blocked the path for anyone else. Trust me, you can't lose us in a crowd. They'd be able to see us in space with these green jerseys on.

Now clustered up on one side of the ice, Tibbles prepares to introduce the new players as they make their way into the ice. Oh my god, there's another girl! This may not be so bad after all. As Tibbles talks to Bombay, one of the new guys takes centre stage - well, centre ice. Let's see what they've got.

First up: Luis Mendoza. We've got a speedster on our hands. 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line? Okay, I admit it, I'm impressed. As he flies around the ice in front of us, there's positive chatter amongst the Ducks. This Luis kid is really good. Wait......Oh. Oh no, he's on the floor.

"Has a little trouble stopping." Tibbles states the obvious.

"I'd say so." Those of us who hear Goldberg mumble in agreement.

"How do you get picked for what is essentially a mini Olympics if you can't even stop?" I question.

"I don't know." Jesse is equally as confused.

"Maybe he gets hits and that stops him?" Fulton suggests, thinking like an enforcer to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Or just wipes out like that all the time." Hopefully it'll be an easy fix either way.

Next up: Dwayne Robertson. Never did I think that we'd get a cowboy on the team. Definitely is trying to combat any stereotypes with that introductory dialogue that's for sure. Seems nice enough though.

"Hey, look, it's hop-along Gretzky!" Jesse quips - making us erupt with laughter.

As Dwayne continues to demonstrate his abilities, it becomes clear that he is insanely skilled with the puck. His puck control will be extremely useful in game. Nice going, Tex. He can showboat a little if he wants - as long as it doesn't ruin our game, it's all good with me.

Alright, who's next? We look down the ice to see a new goalie head between the pipes. It's the girl! I didn't expect that. Somehow, I didn't even notice she was wearing goalie pads when we walked in. I get ready to enjoy the display but Bombay throws me to the wolves.

"Connie, Y/N, go take some shots at her."

I glance at Connie and she reciprocates the look before grabbing our sticks and gliding forward. Connie takes the first of our many shots. Low and behold, Julie 'the Cat' Gaffney stops every puck. Wow, she's amazing!

"Hey, good job." I give her a friendly tap before skating back to the group.


Despite Goldberg trying to seem all tough in the other goal, and Bombay attempting to defend him, it's clear who is the better goalie. Though some (Goldberg) may be in denial, Julie has more skill. I'm gonna enjoy having another girl on the team.

Next is this short kid. A figure skater. Ken Wu. Wait, I remember seeing him at the Olympics. What's he doing here? I wondered how they convinced him to swap sports. Ken has agility that's for sure. He must have moves that nobody has ever seen. Perhaps combining figure skating with hockey is a stroke of genius.

Tibbles tries to talk to Bombay about Ken before transitioning over to the last person. However, he's interrupted by a tall energetic guy with cut sleeves a music blasting through his headphones. Using his stick as a guitar this new guy, Dean Portman, enthusiastically sings along as he skates across the ice shoving people over. As much as I've been wanting to knock Averman down all week, this is dick behaviour. We don't even know this dude. The enforcer goon tosses his stick to Julie and calls her 'sweetie' before picking up Ken and placing him on the goal. He's already making my blood boil - and I'm not the only one.

"Who does this guy think he is?" Fulton looks on in disgust.

"Did Peter have a growth spurt over the summer or something?" I join his side.

"I don't know but I already hate him."

"Same. This was a bad idea." Jesse appears to Fulton's right.

In an instant, all of us are riled up. I was one of the few Ducks to me skeptical and not 100% open to the idea of replacing some of our oldest friends. This guy is proving exactly why. Portman is annoying us more and more with every little thing he does. Okay, that's it!

Suddenly, all players - old and new - rush at each other, forming 2 lines as the aggression starts. It seems that everyone is paired off as our frustrated yells overlap and echo around the rink. Naturally, Fulton and I take on Portman.

"Get your hands off me!" Fulton shouts as he swats Dean's hand away.

"Don't you touch him!" I shove him backwards.

The sound of the whistle silences us, making us stand and stare in our lines. He then proceeds to lecture us about being a team. At least he tries to with Tibbles constantly interrupting him. Honestly, it's a little funny.

"You'll get it back at the end of the school term." Bombay jokes as he takes Tibbles' whistle from him. I guess we actually have to practice now.

Cut to after practice because I'm too lazy to write the whole thing...

That has got to be the most unusual and fun practice we've ever had. Well, being tied to the rest of the team was not my idea of fun. Being chased by the cowboy was definitely the highlight. Apparently, that's gonna be a mainstay in practice. Maybe I need to get close to Dwayne - buy my way to the top. Nah, he's too fair for bribery.

We're all paired up as we head to the locker room. As soon as I met Ken, I felt the need to protect him from the world. So, I'm walking with him and taking the opportunity to tell him about Tammy. It's a shame they never got to meet. At the back of the group, Averman is just trying to ask about Dean's tattoo. Once again, Portman is being unnecessarily rude. I know that we're teammates now, but Dean Portman is my worst enemy.

Cut to the end of the Goodwill Games...

Dean Portman is my best friend! Us and Fulton will never be separated!

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