Short Fuse

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Things have deteriorated pretty quickly since we joined Eden Hall. Charlie's been having a tough time with his personal life lately too. We've been helping him through it though. Coach Orion has been nothing but a major pain in the ass since we got here - same with the Varsity. So, when those factors combined, all hell broke loose.

After fighting the entire other team, including Adam, Orion demanded our jerseys - proclaiming that the Ducks are dead and we should grow up. Charlie refused and continued the argument - resulting in him being kicked off the team, stunning us all. When given the opportunity to join him, Fulton left almost instantly. His choice and loyalty made me question my own. Either I stay with the team who have been my only friends for years, or I go with my boyfriend and Charlie in protest.

My heart shattered knowing I had to make that choice - especially without time to think. Ultimately, I apologised to the team before rushing to catch up with Charlie and Fulton. Though they know and understand the sudden struggle, me leaving didn't hurt any less.

Our trio decided to ditch school entirely - well, we followed Charlie. Fulton and I want to be there for him, but things are getting out of hand. I mean, we're not learning anything, we're not playing hockey and we're not with our friends.

With almost anything at our disposal, we hang out at the mall. The combination of coasters and all the food available occupies our time. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a little fun. I'm just grateful to be the only one who didn't throw up. Luckily, I think the fresh air and the walk has made the boys feel a bit better. As we wander into our usual alley, Charlie is clearly enthusiastic about his choices.

"Sure beats school, huh?" Charlie bounds ahead of us. "Hey, listen, Tomorrow will be more fun."

"Yeah, but after that, I mean, what?

"Hopefully, no more vomit." I mutter as my headache grows.

"We can't do this forever." Fulton is realistic.

Yeah, I know." Charlie sits on one of the steps. "See, the way I got it figured, we go to public school for a couple years, then we just go play juniors in Canada. You only gotta be 17." He shrugs it off - I'm a little concerned at how fast he's making these decisions.

"Man, Charlie, I don't even know if I could make juniors." Fulton drops hints.

"Are you kidding me? With your shot? Come on." Charlie clearly thinks highly of him.

"Well, that... That's not really the problem Charlie." I sigh as I set up Fulton for an important conversation we've been debating since the unauthorised game.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean... I don't know if I want to play hockey for the rest of my life." There's a long pause as Charlie takes in this information. "Sorry." I squeeze his hand for reassurance - he shouldn't have to apologise.

"You're going back." Charlie scowls as the penny drops.

"We can deal, man the Ducks are there." He quickly defends our choice to return.

"Dude. Fine. Just get outta here then. I don't care! I don't need you. Go!" Charlie freaks out.

Charlie's sudden shouting makes Fulton retreat - pain in his eyes like a lost puppy. That's it! He's crossed the line. I've had enough. Before Fulton can walk away, I tug his arm to get him to stay before I go off on Charlie.

"That's bullshit and you know it!"


"How dare you talk to him like that! Fulton is the sole person who has stuck with you through everything - even when we forfeited our first game! He doesn't deserve such poor treatment from you! None of us do! We've all been so patient with you! But every 5 minutes, there's another outburst about god knows what!" I scream at him as Fulton stands conflicted behind me.

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