Double Date

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How did I agree to this? Connie convinced me to go on a double date with her and Guy. She said it'd be fun. Honestly, I'm scared they're gonna be all cute and I'm just gonna be awkward. I'm already gonna be awkward because I'm nervous about the whole thing. Plus, I've only been on 1 date with Fulton and it didn't go very smoothly. Let's just say that Charlie, Averman and Goldberg crashing it was the most normal part.

"Y/N, come on. We're gonna be late." Connie rushes me.

"Sorry." I apologise as I put on my shoes. "I don't know about this, Connie. I know we agreed to dress casual, but I feel like I need to put more effort in." I sigh.

"Are you kidding me? You look great!"

"I feel like I'm gonna be sick."

"There's no need to be nervous. It's just Guy and Fulton - you've known 'em for years. Plus we're just going to the movies and getting food. We've done it a million times before." She reassures me.

"It's different this time. I don't want to mess up."

"You'll be fine. If you need anything, we'll be right there with you." She smiles.

"Thanks, Connie." I hug her.

"Come on, before they thing we've moved to Mexico." She laughs.

The entire walk there, Connie and I talk about the day ahead. She reassures me once again. My nerves finally settle. However, as we reach the top of the escalator and see the guys, the butterflies reappear. My stomach is tied in knots as we get closer to them. Their backs are turned, so they don't notice us.

"Guys!" Connie calls as we get within a few feet of them - making them turn around.

"Hey." They both greet us with smiles before Guy gives Connie a quick peck on the lips.

"You look really pretty." Fulton gives me an awkward side hug.

"Thanks, Fult. You look good too." I wanna curl up into a ball and die.

The four of us head over to the cinema. At the ticket booth, we're met with a familiar face.

"Hey, Averman." Connie says.

"Hey, guys."

"Stuck working, huh?" Fulton asks.

"Yeah, but at least I'm getting paid." He shrugs as he hands Guy our tickets. "I'm about to go on break anyway."

We all walk in past him. Fulton goes to the bathroom whilst Connie and Guy go ahead for snacks. I trail behind them - nerves setting in as I realise I've reached the point of no return. Frozen in place, Averman (now on break) comes over to me.

"You okay, Y/N?" He asks. "You're looking kinda pale and that's sayin' something."

"I'm freaking out, man."

"Chill out, it'll be fine."

"We're watching a movie, you don't even have to think of conversation." Guy adds as him and Connie bring the popcorn and drinks over.

Still a bundle of nerves, Fulton rejoins us. Guy hands him the large popcorn they got for us to share and Connie passes me our drinks. We begin to walk to our screen when Averman pats me on the back.

"Good luck, kiddo." He chuckles. We're the same age but I don't bother to correct him.

As we reach the door to our screen, I quickly look back at Averman. My eyes scream 'help me' as he gives me a thumbs up and big grin.

After finding our seats, I take a deep breath and try to calm down. With Connie on my left and Fulton on my right, I know I can't leave. Eventually, the movie starts and awkward small talk ends. Part way through the film, I feel a hand on mine when I reach for popcorn. I snap my head around to see Fulton doing the same. We quickly glance at each other and smile before turning our attention back to the film. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Thank god its dark - I just know my face is turning red.

When the film ends, we make our way to the food court for dinner. Connie and I pick a table whilst the boys get in line for food. Once again sitting next to Connie, she turns to me for gossip.

"So, did anything happen?"

"We watched a movie. What could possibly happen?"

"More than you think. Me and Guy held hands basically the whole time." I just laugh at her - not surprised at her statement.

"I mean our hands touched when we went to get popcorn."

"What?" She becomes giddy.

"Nothing happened." I laugh. "It was an accident. He quickly smiled at me and I smiled back. Then we turned back to the movie." I shrug it off.

"Oh my god! That's huge!" She squeals with excitement.

"It is?"

"Yeah. Girl, he likes you."

For the rest of the wait, she tells me about how cute it was and stuff like that. Eventually, they come back with our food - Fulton sitting across from me and Guy sitting across from Connie. As we eat our burgers, we all talk about the film and a few other things. The whole time, Fulton and I share a few glances and smiles. This time, I can't hide my obvious blushing.

Once we've finished eating, the four of us decide to head home. Saying goodbye to Connie and Guy, we split up. Fulton wanted to walk me home. We decided to take a detour and walk along the beach front (though we agreed to stay off the sand). As we walk along the promenade, I can't help but look at the sky as the sun sets.

"It's so beautiful." I say in awe.

"It's not the only thing I see that's beautiful." Fulton smiles - both of us begin to blush.

We continue walking and making small talk. After all these years, you'd think it'd be so much easier to have a conversation. Suddenly, a cold breeze picks up and makes me shiver. I guess Fulton notices since he places his jacket on my shoulders. I thank him and smile before looking at the ground in nervousness. Shortly after, our hands accidentally brush against each other again. This time, I decide to hold on and fail to contain a smile.

"Today was fun." He speaks up.

"Yeah, I had a really good time with you."

"Do you maybe wanna go out again next week? Just us this time?" He asks nervously.

"I'd love to, Fult."

"C-Can I k-kiss you?" He asks filled with even more nerves.

"Y-Yeah." I reply, prompting him to lean down and kiss me.

When I finally get home, I say goodbye and hug him. As soon as I get to my room, I instantly call Averman then Connie to tell them what happened. Tonight, I'm going to bed with the biggest grin on my face.

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