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I can't believe I agreed to this. Earlier this week, Dwayne suggested that the team go camping sometime this weekend. Given my history with camping, I was hesitant to agree. However, it's Dwayne, so I caved in. Some of the others weren't so easily swayed. Even so, he managed to wrangle a small group of us. There's a good spot not too far from Connie's house. Since she's not coming with us, I've told her to expect a knock at the door in case I run away during the night.

7pm. The time has come. Stood in the middle of a field with nothing but trees in sight, we still have just enough sunlight to pitch our tents. The only problem is that most of us have no idea what we're doing. Luckily, Dwayne and Charlie appear to be naturals. Tents were first priority. Second? Making sure we don't die from pneumonia.

"Who wants to help me collect wood for the fire?" Dwayne takes charge.

"I'll come with you." Banks volunteers.

As Adam follows the cowboy, the rest of us dump out our supplies where the fire will be - allocating where everything needs to go. Tasks were set based on who we're sharing tents with. This means that Julie and I had to team up to complete our assignment. We were in charge of obtaining s'mores supplies and a general haul of snacks to keep us going (we ate dinner before we left). After discussing who is taking which side - and coming to the conclusion that we'll have our heads at the same end - we notice a couple of Bash Brothers chomping on the goods.

"Hey, those are for later!" I snatch the marshmallows from Fulton.

"We turn away for 2 seconds, and you morons turn into Goldberg." Julie takes the chocolate from Portman, flicking him in the forehead.

"Ow!" Dean sulks.

"If you rats are gonna eat everything, then you can go get more stuff!" I scold them.

"But it's getting dark!" Portman whines.

"Places are gonna be shut soon." Ken, the only innocent Bash Brother pipes up.

"I know, that's why we prepared for this." I pull a walkie talkie from my back pocket and click it on. "Velvet Hammer, this is Pumpkin Puck. Do you copy? Over." I wait for a response.

"You actually brought that thing?" Charlie chuckles in disbelief.

"Velvet Hammer to Pumpkin Puck. I copy."

"Expect Dumb and Dumber to arrive for the secondary supplies in the next 15 minutes."

"Copy that."

"There's still space between Captain and Cake-eater's tent and Cowboy and Fancy Pants' tent if you and Hats wanna join." I extend the offer - continuing to use code names.

"Maybe next time. Send Dumb and Dumber over. I'll radio over when they're on their way back."

"Thanks, Velvet Hammer."

"Sure thing. Send my love to the Cat."

"Will do. Over and out." I toss the walkie-talkie into my tent.

"I can't believe that just happened." Fulton states as they all stand bewildered.

"Better hurry. You never know what could be lurking in the dark." Julie taunts them.

"Unbelievable!" Portman drags his feet as the pair begin their journey. "If we're Dumb and Dumber, you're Dumber."

"No way! You are, dumbass!" We laugh at their bickering as they wander into the distance.

"That was amazing." Charlie still can't believe it.

"How'd you know to do that?" Kenny questions.

"This isn't my first rodeo, Kenny."

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