A Connie & Guy Catastrophe

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When one of my best friends, Connie Moreau, came running into our shared room at 11pm - there was no doubt something bad happened. Julie and I instantly went to comfort her. No matter what we did, she couldn't bring herself to tell us what happened. She cried herself to sleep.

Now it's just after 3am and I'm still wide awake. Staring at the ceiling, I try to figure out what could have made her so upset. After hours of nothing, I decide to go get a drink and try to forget about it until later. As I quietly make my way down the stairs, I hear sad sniffing from the kitchen.

"Guy?" I ask as I reach the kitchen door.

"Oh, uh, hi, Y/N." He attempts to compose himself.

"What are you doing up?" I stay at the door to give him space.

"Couldn't sleep. It's nothing." He quickly assures.

"I heard the crying, Guy." I cross my arms, knowing he's lying. "What happened?"

"I messed up with Connie."

As he begins to cry again, I rush over to him and engulf him in a tight hug. He refuses to let go for a while. When he finally does, I sit on the stool next to him and turn to face the broken boy.

"Wait, you're why she came in so upset?" I question - they always seem so perfect.

"Is she okay? What did she say to you?"

"She didn't tell me anything. She just ran in crying and eventually tired herself out and fell asleep." Guy looks down with regret.

"It's all my fault. You have every right to side with Connie and hate me." He rambles.

"Hey, slow down. I'm not picking sides, Guy. Look, I don't know the story, I get that. This is the first time I've ever seen you like this. Trust me, I can tell you care and that you regret whatever you did. I hate seeing you both so upset, so I'm gonna help you figure it out - and I'm not letting you push me away. " I put my hand on shoulder.

"Thank you." He says with tears in his eyes.

As I wipe away his tears as he begins the story. An anniversary gone wrong. He wanted to surprise her with a late-night picnic under the stars. In a handwritten letter left on her pillow the same morning, Guy instructed Connie to meet him where they had their first kiss at 10pm. The problem is, they went to different locations.

"I called her to make sure she was okay since she hadn't turned up. As soon as she picked up, I could hear the water behind her. She starting yelling at me for going to the wrong place - I tried to explain, but she hung up and wouldn't answer."

"I'm sorry, Guy." I rub his back.

"I had dragged everything up that hill. When I came back, I thought it'd be best to give her some space. I haven't been able sleep because that's all I can think about."

I pull him for yet another hug. Once again, he cries into my shoulder. We stay quiet for a minute whilst he calms down again. However, I come to a realisation.

"Wait a minute." I break the silence as he pulls away. "You did nothing wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"Connie went to the wrong place, not you."

"What?" He questions, doubting everything.

"Think about it. Connie went to where you originally planned for the kiss to take place. But Averman interrupted you, so it never happened." I recall.

"Oh my god, you're right."

"You quickly changed plans to have a picnic under that tree on the hill. I remember you were so nervous about it."

"I begged you to help get her there." He smiles and let's out a soft laugh. "How am I meant to bring this up without sounding like an ass?" He asks as his smile fades.

"Don't worry, I'll mention it in the morning. Everything is gonna be fine, buddy. I promise."

Guy gives me a final hug and thanks me again before finally getting some sleep. A few short hours later, everyone gets up to get ready for practice. Before going downstairs, I pull Connie aside and tell her about my conversation with Guy.

"I'm such an idiot." She shakes her head.

"No, you're not." I say sternly. "Let's go talk to Guy and put this in the past."

We walk downstairs and find Guy in the kitchen talking with some of the Ducks. They leave the room to fix things. I grab some juice for myself and Russ. As I place our drinks on the counter, Connie and Guy walk back in holding hands. The shoot me an appreciative look and mouth "thank you" as they go and sit together. I just smile at them - happy this is over.

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