Fading Hatred

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This was requested by MinerFortyNiner - hope this lives up to what you had in mind.

Ever since the age of 3, Jesse Hall and I have despised each other. I was born into a wealthy family, whereas he certainly wasn't. To him, I'm a cake-eater, a monster, a true evil menacing every step of his life. Do I have some unresolved anger issues? Yes (and for a good reason). Does he end up in my path of rage a lot? Also, yes. But he's no better! Jesse Hall doesn't stop whining - if it were an Olympic sport, he'd win the gold every time. It could be the best day of his life and he'd be searching for something to be mad about. He is insufferable. So, my family has money and his doesn't - how is that my fault?

A few weeks ago, my living nightmare got that much worse. For some stupid legal reason, I was forced to swap teams and go to the Ducks. Jesse's Ducks. That transition went just about as smoothly as you'd think. Dirty looks, sniping sarcasm in the form of one-liners and full-blown arguments, and short fuses on either side of our bitter rivalry. Boy, am I sick of sarcastically being called "Princess" for things out of my control.

The others have been welcoming but as long as Jesse and his hatred are here, I feel like I don't belong on the team. God, I hate him. I never asked to be on the same team as him, but he'd probably tell you that I did it to ruin his life.

Every game we've played as teammates, he's told me to remember which team I play for in a threatening tone. The tough guy act has never scared me. I've purposely collided with him on several occasions, but I can't help it - everything that comes out of his mouth is infuriating. Everyone says that he was the same way with Adam, but there's no way our dynamic can change like theirs did.

I've spent most of today hanging out with Fulton in his infamous alley. Thankfully, he could see past financial stereotypes. I often visit deathtrap alley to blow of some steam - mainly taking out my frustrations about Jesse (and a few other recurring annoyances). Today is no different. After a few hours of chatting, shooting and the occasional breaking of glass, Fulton calls it a day to hang out with Portman and Ken as he had already planned.

Grabbing my gear, I make my way to Connie's place to watch some movies with her and Julie (starting with Heathers). Only a couple streets into my walk, I hear familiar screams pleading for help - though I can't quite place my finger on who it is. I rush in the direction of the noise and stumble on a trio of egotistical morons who are the sons of one of my dad's friends beating someone up.

"Get off him!" I yell as I grab the ringleader and oldest sibling to the side.

"Mind your business, L/N!" The unloved middle child demands.

"You heard me! Leave him alone!" I stand my ground as I realise who their victim is.

"Oh, come on, Y/N, you hate the Halls." The youngest whines in a poor attempt to defend their actions.

"No, I hate Jesse. Terry didn't do anything. Now, let him go!"

"Yeah? What are you gonna do if we don't?" The oldest smirks as the middle kid keeps Terry's collar balled up in his fist.

"I'll tell you what I'll do, you obnoxious prick." I get in his face. "I'll tell your parents, in detail, what happened here. Then who knows what corporal punishment you'll get." His smirk begins to fade. "And we both know that they'll believe me in a heartbeat because they love me more than they'll ever love the 3 of you knuckleheads combined." I mimic the smirk that has been erased from his face.

"Go to hell." He hisses as his brother releases Terry.

"I'll save you a spot. Now, I suggest you get out of here before I use your teeth as bowling pins." I threaten.

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