Lunar Eclipse

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This was requested by @c4reb34r. I haven't watched or paid attention to this franchise for a few months, so I'm sorry if this isn't great.

Averman is a huge space nerd. He's a huge nerd in general - this is common knowledge among the team. Last week he had a new energy during practice. Eventually, we caved in and asked what he seemed so excited about. That's when he started geeking out the upcoming lunar eclipse - including throwing out a bunch of statistics.

We thought it be cool not only to see it, but to see it as a team. After some collective begging, Bombay agreed to stay up with us and cancel the following practice because we'd be tired. Luckily, it's supposed to be a clear night so we'll have a clear view.

We were planning on watching it at Adam's place because of the space. However, Connie and Guy told us about a large hill at the center of a huge field that would have an amazing view. Apparently they have picnic dates there all the time.

We started the walk there about 10 minutes ago and it only took about 3 of those minutes for Goldberg to start complaining. As we keep going, more people start whining - including myself.

"How much longer?" Ken asks.

"My legs are killing me." Russ trails behind.

"I think we lost Goldberg." Julie speaks up.

"You guys are hockey players. How are you tired?" Bombay questions.

"We can't swap out or take breaks." Jesse huffs.

"And we're going uphill." Fulton adds.

"Come on, guys. It's not that bad." Charlie irritates the tired.

As we continue walking, some of us struggle to catch our breath. Somehow, Charlie and Adam have the energy to race each other to and up that hill. Connie and Guy walk ahead of us hand in hand.

"Dean, can I have a piggyback?" I ask him.

"No." He scoffs.



"Dude. Portman, just give her one." Fulton insists.

"Nah, man. I'm dying as it is."

"Fine. Fulton, can I have a piggyback, please?" I turn to him.

"Yeah, of course."

"Thank you. You're my favourite." I glare at Dean as I get on Fulton's back.

After what feels like a lifetime, we finally reach the top. It gets darker and darker as we catch our breath. Realising we still have a bit to wait, we start setting up. We quickly realise that at least half of the snacks are missing.


"What? I needed the energy!" He yells in defence.

"Don't worry, I brought more." Bombay quiets us down.

With time passing, more people complain about being cold and bored. Averman is still as excited as ever. After god knows how much longer, it's finally happening. We all look up at the red moon.

"Well, ain't that just the most beautiful thing you ever did see?" Dwayne asks not daring to look away.

"Sure is, cowboy." Jesse replies in amazement.

"It's so pretty." Connie is almost speechless.

"Just like you." Guy smiles at her. I'm gonna throw up.

"It's something, isn't it?" Bombay chuckles.

"Woah, it's like someone stabbed the moon." Dean laughs - oblivious to the rest of us.

Half of us turn to look at him in concern whilst the other half ignore him at continue staring at the sky in awe. As part of the worried for my life group, I quickly move to the other side of Fulton - ultimately standing him and Ken. That is until I notice the person who was most excited about this has fallen asleep.

"Averman! Averman, wake up, you're missing it!" I shake him awake.

"Huh? Oh!" He fixes his glasses and stumbles to his feet - almost falling and taking Luis down with him. "Wow, that's awesome!"

We stay there for a while longer, wanting to stay all night. Eventually, Bombay makes us go home thinking our parents will kill him otherwise. Reluctantly, we follow him, purposely trailing behind to delay the moon being hidden by the trees. This is something we'll be talking about for a long time.

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