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For a lot of our away games, we have to travel for about an hour or so to get to the school that is hosting. Surprisingly, there's one that's just a 15 minute drive away. Today we are scheduled to play with our rivals who our games with are few and far between. Unlike other schools, it takes about 3.5 hours to get from one to another. The travel time is why we rarely play each other - though everyone looks forward to those games (especially when you're not the ones travelling).

Today we're actually super excited despite having to be stuck on the bus for over 3 hours. Over the last couple of years, we've become friends with the other teams. It's been a couple of months since we last saw today's opponents. With the distance being as far as it is, we have to leave early. There are a few sleepyheads on board, but there's plenty of time to get some rest.

Upon filing onto the bus, I walk up a few rows and take the aisle seat next to Dwayne. Since we're linemates, we decided to use some of this travel time to talk about strategy. The guys behind us are also discussing strategy - though their's is a lot more aggressive. Yeah... The Bash Brothers are directly behind us and Dean is already overbearingly eager to try out his new ideas. It is both a blessing and a curse. Portman racks up more penalty minutes than anyone - and trust me, it's not even close.

We don't talk about it for too long because we don't want to drive ourselves crazy. Besides, there's always a team talk on strategy once we're in our gear. Plus having my locker next to Dwayne's is super helpful in planning for our on-ice partnership.

Soon enough, Dwayne turns his attention to Charlie and Russ in front of us. I, however, turn to the left to chat with Ken and Guy who are sat opposite me. Overall, I talk to anyone I can get the attention of. Somehow, even among all the madness of our high volume conversations, Luis has managed to fall asleep at the back of the bus.

Our enthusiasm seems to make time fly by. We're already half way through our journey. By now, we're in a secluded area - more of a countryside to have a peaceful part of the drive. However, the ground below isn't your traditional road. It's more of a dirt/sand path with stones scattered across it. It's always a bumpy ride. Today is no different - at least that's how it seems at first. Like the children we are, we make stupid noises with each bump in the road - led by Averman of course. Our cheers turn into confusion with the noise fading as we grind to a halt.

"Why'd we stop?" Goldberg is the first to ask.

"Something's up with the bus. Hang tight, I'll check it out." Our driver Frank tells us before Orion follows him out the door.

As they vacate the vehicle, the rest of us scramble to the windows. We can just hear the confused groans of the adults. Orion checks the sides as Frank checks the mechanics.

"Uh, Frank!" Orion calls out from in front of my window. "We've got a couple of flat tyres back here!"

"You gotta be kidding." Frank comes into view as he joins Orion. "I think something's wrong with the engine too."

"I think it's safe to say that we're not making it to the game." Orion looks up at us.

"So, we forfeit?" Charlie's eyes widen.

"Afraid so." Our collective frustration overlaps with each comment until Dwayne tries to be the voice of reason.

"Don't fret, y'all. I can take a look at the engine." We look at him silenced and confused. "I fixed up the motors and stuff on the tractors back home all the time! Should be easy peasy."

"That's great, kid!" Frank appreciates the offer. "But that ain't gonna fix the wheels."

"Well, I can fix them too! You got any spares?"

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