Helping Hans

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Ever since Charlie's mother remarried, he's been spending a lot more time with Hans - Jan even hired him. Hans let him have the job again when the Goodwill Games ended. I've visited quite a few times because I've needed to get out of the house and I love Hans to death - he's always so sweet. Hopefully, he can help me out.

It's another cold day in November and the snowfall is steady. I grab my jacket and make my way to the store. As I pass Mickey's dining car, I make sure to wave at Casey. Luckily, I don't have too far to walk.

Turning the corner, I see the display of gear through the window. As I near the door, a friendly face makes its way to the front desk. Opening the door, I greet that face.

"Hey, Hans!"

"Y/N!" He looks up and smiles. "Chilly today, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but you've got a warm smile. So, I'll survive." I hug him.

"So kind. I knew I liked you." He chuckles as I pull away.

"Charlie working today?" I ask as I hang up my coat.

"Yes. He's in the back, sharpening skates."

I thank Hans and make my way to Charlie. The sound of machinery gets louder as I get closer. So I don't scare him or cause injury, I walk past him so I'm in his sight. Finishing the skate he is working on, he turns off the machine and says:

"Oh, hey, Y/N. You here for your new skates?"

"Well, that's one reason. They ready?"

"Yeah, did them first. I'll go grab them - back in a minute."

Charlie leaves the room to find my new skates. I take this opportunity to grab a coke from the fridge and wait by the counter. Charlie quickly comes back and places the skates in front of me. I thank him and he asks:

"Have you talked to Hans about the job yet?"

"Not yet. Thought I'd come see you first. Plus I wouldn't want to spring it on him as soon as I walk through the door." I take a sip of coke.

"Don't worry, he loves you, I'm almost certain he'll say yes."

We continue chatting for the next 10 minutes or so before Hans enters and jokes about Charlie slacking off. We all laugh. I finish my coke and throw away the can as Charlie gets back to work. I follow Hans as he walks back to the front desk.

"Hey, Hans, can I talk to you about something?"

"You want to know if you can work here?" He smirks.

"How did you know I was gonna ask that?"

"Charlie has been pitching you for the last week."

"Of course he has." I laugh and sigh. "I was just thinking that I could help you out in the front of the shop or something. I'll do anything you need - I'm happy to help."

Hans stays quiet for a minute as if he's contemplating. The silence allows me to hear the buzzing in the back - at least Charlie's doing his job. Is there a chance that Hans will turn me down?

"I could always use a helping hand. I can't think of anyone better to help customers." He smiles at me.

"Really? Thank you, Hans. When do I start?" I beam, eager to work for once.

"Tomorrow. Charlie tells me you're busy today so I'll have your name tag here in the morning."

"I'll drag Charlie with me."

Realising the time, I run to the back and grab my skates. Charlie stops the machine again, gives me a goodbye hug and says:

"Don't forget, pond hockey with the Ducks at 4."

"See you there. Thanks again for the skates. Bye, Hans!" I shout as I leave through the back door.

I never thought I'd be excited to work. I'm so glad I get to work with Hans and Charlie. This should be fun.

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