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I shouldn't be here. I did nothing wrong - but these snobs will do anything to protect their insolent moron kids, hence why I'm in Saturday detention and not Cole. Who even decided it was okay to hold kids hostage all day at school on a Saturday? It's cruel and unusual punishment. Plus something about it feels like it should be illegal or something. The only other time I've had detention is when the whole team started quacking at the principal back when we first became the Ducks.

Holding a grudge about my hardship, I drag myself into Eden Hall early - having already shot some pucks to blow off some steam. As I enter the library, I quickly notice I'm the first person here. I only know that there's more to come because I witnessed the crimes of the Bash Brothers. If you assumed that it's because they got into a fight in the cafeteria, you're absolutely right. I take a seat on the second row and wait for a friend to turn up. About 5 minutes later, an unexpected friend arrives.

"Hey, Charlie." I attract his attention and catch him off guard as he slips his headphones around his neck.

"No way! Y/N L/N got a Saturday detention?" His face lights up with a weird amount of joy, confusion and excitement.

"What can I say? I'm just a full-blown rebel. I'm outta control." I play along with a shrug and a laugh as he takes the seat to my left.

"Well, at least I have good company." He laughs back and tucks his bag under the table.

"Who'd you lash out on this time?" I ask considering his detention track record.

"Why do you automatically assume that's why I'm here?" I just stare at him with a skeptical brow. "Okay, fine. I was trying to practise by myself and Rick Riley shows and just won't stop with the chirps and personal attacks."

"Oh, god, Charlie, what did you do?" I dread where this is going.

"I just took a shot - it's not my fault his nose got in the way." He shrugs.


"What? He deserved the broken nose." He defends himself.

"I'm not saying he didn't."

The two of us sit and joke around about the situation and how a broken nose will change Rick's school life until it's fixed. Next thing we know, a confused pair interrupts our conversation.

"Are we in the wrong place?" Portman seems genuinely unsure.

"Y/N, what are you doing in detention?" Fulton questions.

"I defended myself, so naturally, I'm here." I vaguely explain with a tone of frustration as the duo sits behind myself and Charlie. Before I can say what happened, Luis wanders in.

"Let me guess, you were perving on the cheerleaders again?" Charlie makes the obvious and correct assumption.

"I'm a teenage boy." His voice is higher than usual as he tries to support his actions whilst taking the front row seat in front of Charlie.

"That's not a good excuse, Luis!" I scold him.

"Well, what are you here for? Forget to return a library book or something?" He turns to face me and becomes defensive.

"No!" I'm already getting annoyed.

"What did you do?" A new voice makes us all jump.

"Oh my god! Where did you come from?" I freak out as I look to my right to find Averman in the seat next to me.

"I got here like 5 minutes ago." He smiles.

"Dude, you're like a ninja." Dean looks on impressed.

"So, what's you do?" Averman re-asks.

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