Girl In The Stands

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This is another one for my new best friend _daphnebloom. Hope you like it.

Not only do I have the honour of being chosen to represent team USA in the Junior Goodwill Games as a figure skater - but my best friend Julie got selected for the team USA hockey team. We're both super busy with practicing, performing and press - but believe me, we hang out at every possible opportunity to gossip about the madness that is our lives. I've been wanting to watch one of her games but I haven't had the chance. That's about to change.

The figure skating competitions came to a close yesterday. It was extremely close but I snagged first place! I'm a gold medal athlete! Me! Who would've thought it? Thankfully, the other competitors were good sports about it.

With the Goodwill Games still going on, I'm using my first day to relax by spending about 3 hours stressing and potentially raging over my best friend's hockey game. Knowing that I've got a long day ahead of me, I grab some Sprite and quesadillas from one of the food trucks before heading in to take a seat in the middle row of the stands. I don't know anyone sat around me (though some have congratulated me on my win) but I'm not here for them. I'm here to support Julie. Let's do this! Time for puck drop.

It doesn't take long for me to realise that Julie isn't between the pipes. Seriously? She's benched? Bombay made her backup again? Has she even played? Look, I'm not a hockey player, but even I know that you've got to alternate the goalies every once in a while. It's the final game! Julie came here to show the world what she can do. If she doesn't play now, then that opportunity is rendered useless!

Despite my gripes with the roster, I have to get over it. I've only met a few other members of the team in my time here, but they've quickly become friends of mine. So, I'm supporting them no matter what.

Third person...

As the game progresses, it's clear that the off-ice rivalry between the USA and Iceland teams has carried onto the the ice for this high-stakes finale. To say this is a rocky ride for the USA Ducks would be an understatement. In their first battle, the Ducks were pummelled and the victim of a blowout. The only person who was able to prevent Iceland from getting a shutout was Adam Banks - and even then, he sustained an injury. Unfortunately for them, this game is following a similar path.

With each goal and the ever changing number on the score board confirming the fading chances for USA's success, Y/N can't help but feel disappointed. Though nothing comes close to the frustration and fleeting hope of the Ducks.

"Welcome to the Heartbreak Hotel." Averman sighs as he returns to the bench after his shift.

"Check-in time now, leaving never." Russ joins him.

"This wouldn't be happening if I was in the net." Julie's continued annoyance adds to the atmosphere - though Bombay ignores her reasonable complaints.

"Come on, guys. There's still time to turn things around." Adam tries to keep them optimistic. "We've come back from worse."

"When? When have we come back from worse?" Jesse bites out of frustration and confusion.

"Lots of times. Just have faith and stay focused."

"I don't know what spiritual nonsense you're into all of a sudden, but that's not how things work in the real world."

"Just play your best." Bombay finally cuts in before they return to a disgruntled quiet with the sound of the crowd filling the air.

Although Charlie is also on the bench, he isn't there mentally. In fact, he isn't even looking in the direction of the ice (which isn't great when you're taking on a coaching role. In a moment of calm whilst the refs talk amongst each other, Guy notices his captain mindlessly gawking into the crowd of people.

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