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Just want to give a shoutout to H1s_B4byD0ll_ for bouncing off ideas for this story after hearing the basic concept as well. Go follow them as they've just started a Ducks book.

Third person...

Ducks, old and new, have just moved into shared dorms ahead of the Goodwill Games. Being away from home and rooming with friends has made them somewhat giddy. And with Bombay at his new place, they can do whatever they want. What could possibly go wrong....

Some of the kids are wiped out from the flight, large social interactions and practices. Others have decided to try and get to know each other better before calling it a night. Goldberg thought that baking some of the best-selling treats from his family's diner would be a good way to bond with the new members. Well, that's what he said - he's just hungry.

However, as the goodies are baking in the oven, Luis runs in with Ken and shaving foam to hand whilst rapidly explain the prank. Before he can have a second thought, Goldberg takes the lead, becoming the mission captain. In doing so, he leaves the oven with Averman passed out on a nearby couch.

Y/N's pov...

Considering that there is now a third girl on the team, Connie and I have decided to get to know Julie since we'd be sticking together a lot. We each sit casually on our individual beds as we chat away - laughing as our bond grows stronger with the distant sound of rock music from another room. Although I can smell burning, I don't question it since Goldberg is making something. However, the familiar screams of Averman make me jump out to check on him.

"Averman, are you okay? What's wro- oh!" My heart is racing as I see the smoke. "Oh my god! Fire!"

Suddenly, the fire alarm starts blaring - causing the team to rush out of their rooms. I have no idea why Dwayne has shaving foam all over him, but there's no time to question it. Charlie and Adam attempt to put out the fire but quickly realise that it's beyond our control. Jesse calls the fire department as the team vacates the building with panicked shrieks.

Amongst the madness, I notice that rock music is still blasting. Splitting from the group, I race to the back room and burst through the door - turning the music off to get Dean and Fulton's attention.


"There's a fire! We have to go!" I yell at them.

"Fire?" Dean's eyes widen, thinking he's heard me wrong.

"Shit!" Fulton finally hears the painfully loud fire alarm.

In a new urgency, Fulton throws me over his shoulder and starts running as Dean pushes past us and sprints to safety. When we reach the others, Fulton finally places me back on my feet as the team bombards me with questions of concern.

"My mixtape!" Dean shrieks and starts running towards the building as he realises that he's left his prized possession on his bed.

"What? Portman! What are you doing? Don't go back in, you idiot!" We all shout after him as the firetruck pulls up - luckily, they're stationed around the corner from us.

The firemen start piling into the building as we wait for Dean. Suddenly, we see him trying to escape through a window. However, he falls into the bush below before springing back up and playing it off. I can see his slight limp though..

"Was it worth it?" Fulton questions his friend's stupid choice.

"Definitely, dude." He replies before recoiling slightly when he catches a glimpse of Dwayne, who is still covered in shaving foam as we stand outside.

Considering how quickly they got here, the firemen are in and out pretty fast. It also means that the aftermath isn't anything major - but Bombay is being called to pay for the damages. He'll probably have to pay people off so 'team USA hockey start fire' doesn't become a news headline. Since some people were asleep, they ask how the fire started. After revealing Goldberg's mistake, the firemen leave and allow us to go back inside.

"Nice going, Goldberg."

"Hope you like it crispy." He tries to make light of it.

2 days later...

It's fairly obvious that Bombay was seriously unimpressed by the antics at the dorms. That doesn't mean that he's keeping a closer eye on us. He's just making the more responsible of us babysit the others.

With some downtime, I'm hanging out with the Bash Brothers on their room. Between card games, I'm in charge of shuffling the deck. So, Portman takes this time to complain about his aching leg - making me roll my eyes to the point of almost giving myself a headache.

"Quit whining. You're the idiot who decided to jump out a window." Fulton reminds him after hearing him complaining every 5 minutes.

"Hey!" Dean throws a shoe at him but he catches it. "Have a heart man! I'm injured!"

"Have a heart? Try having a brain, man." Fulton fires back. "Nobody with a brain would run back into a burning building for a mixtape." Cue Dean's other shoe hurtling towards us.

"That tape is most important thing I'll ever own!"

"Just quit complaining or I'll shove you back in that bush!".

All this arguing continues as I mindlessly shuffle the deck. It suddenly gets blown out of proportion as Fulton jumps up and steals Dean's precious mixtape - threatening to destroy it. Although Portman is like 89% sure that Fulton won't do anything, he's not taking any chances.

"What do you want, man? A sacrifice? Take Y/N!"

"Hey, fuck you!"

"What? Take one for the team!" I jump up and grab on of Fulton's hockey sticks.

"I'm not sacrificing myself for a stupid tape!" I start slashing him.

"Take that back!"

"You know what I'll take?" I retaliate and snatch the mixtape from Fulton. Now the fear in his eyes is real - he knows I won't hold back.

"Okay! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please just don't hurt her!" Her?

I throw the tape onto his bed as he cowers away in fear. Fulton just looks impressed and maybe slightly scared too. We've learnt not to let Goldberg go near fire and that Dean values a mixtape more than his own life. These morons are gonna be the death of us all.

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