Flying Back To Minnesota

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"Did you call Fulton?" I ask my older brother, Dean, as we settle in our seats.

"Yeah, he's gonna pick us up when we land."

Dean and I had to fly home to Chicago for a funeral. Unfortunately, family drama meant we had to stay for 2 weeks instead of 2 days. Talk about a shitty family reunion. I'll be glad to be back in Minnesota with my chosen family. We thought we'd surprise them at practice - but we needed someone to come get us. We didn't want to bother Orion, so Fulton was the best choice. Apparently they're gonna do unplanned practice on the pond where they met Bombay.

"Can't wait to see everyone." I say after a few seconds of silence.

"Yeah, been weird without 'em."

"Don't worry, Dean. You'll see your boyfriend soon." I tease.

"Dude, he's your boyfriend." He looks at me with a confused look.

"It's a joke, idiot." I roll my eyes.

About 30 minutes into the flight, I try to take a nap - using my bandana as an eye mask. The problem is there's a baby that won't stop crying. It's so annoying. I give up. To make it worse, someone just let out the most disgusting fart.

"Ugh, I didn't realise Goldberg was on the plane." I whine as I prop myself back up. Dean starts giggling and it goes on a suspicious amount of time. "It wasn't that funny."

"It was me." He laughs.

"Gross." I shove him - how did I get stuck with him as a brother?

To eliminate one of my problems, I put my headphones on. Before we left, Fulton made me a mixtape. So, I start it again for the millionth time since we headed to Chicago - volume as loud as it can go. Lost in the lyrics and staring into space - I don't realise how much time has gone by until Dean starts poking me. I pause the music and put my headphones around my neck to see what he wants.

"We're here. Get up."

I quickly grab my things and follow everyone out the plane with Dean holding my hand so he doesn't lose me. I grab my duffle bag and notice we have to wait a little longer for Dean's. Amongst the echos of the busy airport, I suddenly hear a specific whistle. Without a second thought, I turn and run in the direction of the whistle.

"Y/N, what are you doing? Come back! You're gonna get lost, moron!" Dean calls after me as he grabs his bag.

I continue sprinting away as Dean's calls get quieter. With the source of the sound in my sight, I instantly notice his grin and excitement.

"Fulton!" I squeal as I leap into his arms - causing him to slip and land on his back. "Are you okay?" I ask, now on top of him as we both laugh like crazy.

"I am now."

He barely gets the words out before I lean down and initiate a kiss. Neither of us want it to end - after all, we have 2 weeks to make up for. We get interrupted by a disgruntled Dean.

"Seriously? We just got here." He huffs as he pulls me off Fulton before helping him up.

"Hey, man" Fulton chuckles as he hugs Dean. "Missed you."

"Missed you too." He says as they break the hug. "I told you to stay with me." He scolds me and whacks me around the head.

Fulton kisses my head and takes my bag before putting his arm around me. Together, we all navigate our way out of the building. We pack our things in the back of the car before I quickly take shotgun.

"How was it?" Fulton asks as he begins driving.

"They're lucky they didn't have to arrange another funeral." I say as Dean agrees.

"That bad, huh? What happened?"

"Pretty sure I broke my aunt's nose because she was being biphobic towards Y/N." Dean recalls.

"What's wrong with some people?" Fulton says, clearly angry I was targeted.

"And basically the whole family said how disappointed they are that I 'do something so manly as hockey.'" I mimic the words of my dad. "Fair to say I've taken over as the biggest disappointment of the family." I sigh.

Fulton quickly grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze as he says, "Fuck 'em. They're lucky I wasn't there to knock someone out."

"Oh, don't worry, she took a few swings at our dad. Things got really heated in those couple weeks."

"That's my girl." Fulton says proudly.

As the drive continues, we keep telling him about the chaos with our family - and he does the same with the team. Fulton also tells us that he made it seem like he'd turn up late because of an appointment. They should be on the ice right now. He also picked up our skates before he left. Soon Fulton changes the subject.

"So, how'd you like the mixtape?"

"Are you kidding? I couldn't stop listening to it. My favourite part was absolutely when you recorded yourself. Everything you said just made me miss you more. God, I love you so much." I gush as he grins like a fool.

A few minutes later, we pull up by the frozen pond. I quickly exit the car and run to the edge of the pond. None of them realise I'm there, so I shout:

"Hey, losers!" They snap their heads around.

"Y/N!" Connie shrieks.

"They're back!" Adam shouts.

They all shout things as they quickly skate towards me. Luis reaches me first, hugging me as he tackles me to the ground - whether it's intentional or he just couldn't stop, I don't know. Soon enough, they all pile on me.

"What about me?" Dean shouts as him and Fulton walk over with our skates.

Everyone climbs off me before attacking Dean. Fulton helps me up and walks me over to a bench to put on our skates. Once we've tied our laces, I turn to him and confidently say:

"You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for."

"I'm so lucky to have you."

He tucks my hair behind my ear and stares into my eyes. It doesn't take long for another make-out session like in the airport to take place. It also doesn't take long for us to be interrupted.

"Get a room!" Averman yells.

"Later!" We respond.

"Stop kissing and start skating!" Charlie adds.

We laugh as I grab his hand and head to the pond. Finally reunited with the Ducks, we skate and scrimmage for a few hours. As it gets dark out, Dean and I go to Fulton's house and order pizza. We watch a couple films before calling it a night. I can finally sleep better knowing Fulton is next to me.

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