Girls Day Out

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Being on a team with a bunch of guys can become very exhausting. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death - I have no friends outside of the team - but the girls need a break. That's why Julie and I were confused and slightly annoyed when Connie turned up with Averman a couple of minutes ago.

"Why is he here? This is supposed to be a girls day." Julie leads the confrontation.

"I know, but he wanted to come."

"Look, I know I'm more of a man than him but still." I speak up.

"Hey, I'm standing right here!"

"Everyone else is grouped off doing stuff and he was left alone. I felt bad, so I took pity on him." Connie defends her decision. Julie and I glance at each other before I share the verdict.

"Alright. Welcome to girls day, Averman."

"Yes! Thanks ladies." He celebrates.

"But if you ruin it, you're playing next game in a wig and makeup." Julie warns him.

With our new honorary girl in our group, we start walking down the street. We planned to shop for clothes - can't imagine Averman is too thrilled about that. At least we're not going to a store specifically aimed at females - he might find something he like.

After a 5 minute walk, we finally arrive at the store. As soon as we enter through the main door, we quickly split up - remaining close enough to chat though. That's a good thing for Connie and a bittersweet thing for everyone else - though Averman is embracing her crisis after 10 minutes of being here.

"What do we think? Pink dress or dark green dress?" Connie asks us.

"Why not both?" I don't bother to look away from what I'm eyeing up.

"I don't wanna spend all my money in the first store we go to." She reasons.

"Fair." Julie nods from my right.

"Dark green." We all turn as Averman makes his choice. "Dark green suits you - trust me. Plus Guy would love it."

"You think?" She gets suddenly excited.

"Oh, honey, I know." What is happening? "Have you seen how he gawks at you? It's a no brainer."

"You know what - you're so right." Connie beams as she puts the pink dress back on the rack.

Julie and I exchange looks and small laughs - playfully shaking our heads and rolling our eyes at Connie's energy boost. Julie pulls out a deep blue dress - accidentally summoning the unwanted opinion of Averman.

"Ooh, you know who'd love that?" Julie just glares at him, exactly where it's going. "Adam. Blue's his favourite colour after all." He playfully nudges her.

"Yeah? Why don't you buy it for him then." Julie snipes as she forces the dress back on the rack - using sarcasm to deflect from the fact that she has a crush on Adam.

Her reaction is enough to make Averman back off. However, I catch her sneaking the dress off the rack again with the intention of buying it. I can't help but smile to myself as I go back to looking through some cool skirts. That smile soon fades when I feel Averman's presence looming behind me.

"You should-"

"No! Nope! Sorry, but I'm not taking fashion advice from you of all people." I deny him and turn to walk away.

"Hey, just hear me out."

"Fine." I sigh and fade him again.

"Get the red flannel skirt (or the black or both) and pair it with one of your band shirts, those boots Portman got you for your birthday and your leather jacket. The denim one could work too."

I stand frozen in my tracks as I take his suggestion on board. The girls start to stare as my internal conflict becomes more obvious.

"Oh, she's gonna break." Julie teases.

"Listen to him!" Connie almost yells as she gets closer.

"Come on. You know I'm right." He grins cheekily. "Plus Fulton would love it. You guys would almost be matching."

"Hey! Leave my relationship out of this. I'm only gonna get something if I like it... Fulton liking it is a bonus." I pause as I realise he's right and I actually love the idea. "Damn you, Averman." I mutter as I grab both skirts and go to another section of the store because of an idea to go with it.

"Maybe get a chain to put on them!" Averman calls out.

"Stop reading my mind!" I yell as I go to find a chain.

After grabbing a chain, Averman finds a hat and we all pay. With bags in hand, we wander down the street and contemplate what to do next. When Connie suggests getting our nails done, I'm surprised by Averman wanting to do it. If he wanted his nails painting, he should've just asked us.

Considering we have a lot of games coming up, long nails aren't really an option - they're not really our thing anyway. I let the girls go first since they already knew what they wanted. However, when the lady asks what I want, Averman answers before I can speak.

"All black but red on the middle fingers with skulls on them." How did he not even hesitate?

"Dude, get out of my head!" I look at him with wide eyes.

"I can do that." The lady chuckles. "You want the skulls on the red?"

"Yeah, please."

We continue making conversation with the lady as we each take our turns. She takes and a genuine interest in our hockey stories and it's nice to know that she isn't judging Averman for painting his nails like most people we know.

Once we wrap up at the nail salon, we make a few more stops before going for lunch. My favourite purchase has to be the matching dragon rings I got for myself and Fulton. Now sat a table with burgers and milkshakes, we reminisce on the great day we've just had before we have to go to something Bombay needs the whole team for.

"Thanks again for letting me tag along today." Averman expresses his appreciation.

"Of course! Sorry if it was a bit too girly for you." Connie shrugs it off from beside him before taking a sip of her shake.

"Nah, I actually had a lot of fun." Averman responds as Julie and I glance at each other, knowing what to do.

"Averman, we just wanna apologise for not wanting you to come with us." I speak up.

"It's okay, I get it. It was meant to be just you girls."

"Yeah, but you made it a lot more fun." Julie says what we're all thinking. "It was funny seeing you freak Y/N out so much." She laughs.

"I guess it was." I agree. "So, I think I speak for all of us when I say that you're always welcome to the girls only stuff from now on."

"Definitely." Connie confirms.

"Yeah, and you don't have to wear a wig or makeup next game." Julie recalls her earlier warning.


When we reunite and show the team what we got, they love our choices. Averman was right about everything - he might be a genius, but I'd never let his ego know that. Either way, he was a welcome change to the plans.

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