New Year

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December 31st. Where did the time go? This year has gone by so fast it's almost overwhelming. Feels like yesterday that we were unknown and unskilled kids on a team known as simply District 5. I swear it was just yesterday that we got new teammates. Now we're all 18 and 19 trying to figure out what's next for us. As daunting as it is, we've all agreed to forget about it, live in the moment and enjoy the celebration.

Adam planned and is hosting a New Year's Eve party. For someone with his kind of money, you'd think he'd be throwing some elaborate fancy party for the whole school. Banks would never do something like that. In actuality, the only people to be invited are the Ducks and a few close friends we've made over the last few years. That doesn't mean that he isn't using some of his cake-eater money to splash out on us a little.

After taking suggestions from anyone with ideas and talking to a friend on the Eden Hall party planning committee, Adam got to organising. Some of us offered our help to take some stress away from him. In the end, he rented out one of the taller buildings in the area. This is largely because everyone wanted to be on a roof by the time the fireworks go off. Luckily, we didn't have to arrange fireworks since the local council scheduled a display in advance.

A few days ago, I was hanging out with Dwayne when we decided to check out the new stock in the nearby stores. When scanning the shelves, Dwayne found a variety of pretty lights. Some of them flash, some change colours and some were just your average fairy lights. We made the executive decision to buy a pack of every kind they had. I figured that if Adam didn't want to use them, I'd just keep them. I'll probably end up taking them home after the party anyways.

Connie also came up with the idea of everyone having a disposable camera. That way we can all develop the pictures and keep the memories, especially since we don't know if we're gonna be together by this time next year. Dwayne and I picked them up when we got the lights. With around 25 cameras, we ended up having to explain ourselves to the confused cashier. Once she realised what was going on, she loved the idea. We later realised that it might be better to get more because you never know what might happen or how many photos might be taken. Too embarrassed to go back, we sent Goldberg and Averman to get more the next day.

Tonight is the night. The last few weeks of planning has all been leading up to this. I helped a couple of the guys pick outfits - and I'd say I did a good job because they look great. The amount of glitter that's made it's way to the party is astounding yet not surprising. It's been dark out for a few hours now but it's finally time and I've just arrived. Walking through the crowd in time with the music, I finally find the man who made this possible.

"Banksie!" I call him over when I see him.

"Hey! I've been looking for you. Where have you been?" He asks as he comes over and pulls me into a brief hug.

"Sorry, man. I could remember where I put my boots." I tell him why everyone arrived before me. "But, dude, you did such a good job! This place looks amazing!" I praise how he's transformed the rental space.

"Well, thank you but I couldn't have done it without your help. Those lights you found are perfect."

"Really? I'm glad you liked them." I smile, happy I could contribute.

"Most of them are on the roof - just so it's lit up without big lights getting in the way."

"Smart placement."

"Come on, I'll show you."

After grabbing one of the many disposable cameras from the table to the side, Adam leads me up the stairs to the fairly empty roof. With only a small handful of people up here (though that will change by the countdown) I can easily see the perfectly placed decorations. Whoever was in charge of putting everything out has a really good eye.

"Y/N! We were starting to think you weren't coming." Ken greets me with Russ and Julie by his side and Scooter not far behind.

"So did I." I joke.

"Fashionably late." Scooter quips.

"I love your dress." Ken compliments me.

"You posing as a purple disco ball?" Russ cackles at his own joke as I roll my eyes.

"Oh, please. Y/N, you look hot." Julie (my wife on the team) says it how she sees it.

"Thanks, babe." I jokingly wink at her as Scooter rethinks his life choices - even though him and Julie are dating, he's gotten used to our friendship.

"Where did you get the dress? Connie dragged me around a bunch of stores and I never saw one like it."

"Luis knows a guy." I keep the details of that chaotic day vague.

"Oh..." It clicks in everyone's heads.

"That makes sense." Adam nods.

"The man is stylish." Russ agrees.

After we wrap up our conversation, this group heads back inside to mingle with the rest of the party-goers. We spend the next couple of hours hanging out, gorging on the food, taking embarrassing (and probably blurry) photos and more. Singing/screaming the lyrics to every song that plays transitioning into karaoke that is bound to cause noise complaints. Filled with many memorable moments, the best has to be mine and the Bash Brothers' badass rendition of Kickstart My Heart. We were going crazy on that stage - I hope some good photos come from it.

Just like this year, time flies by. With mere minutes until midnight, we grab more drinks and cameras and head up to the roof. Music plays softly in the background as excited chatter takes over. The clock runs down as couples link up and friends cluster together.

"Hey, guys, it's the final countdown!" Dean beams as the 30 second projected timer appears on the side of a government building, slowing ticking down.

"Dude, you say that every year." I roll my eyes.

"Just let him have his fun." Fulton chuckles and nudges me.

I move away from them, shaking my head as I initiate a side hug with Adam. Those not a couple preparing for the typical new year's kiss clutch onto a camera and shout the remainder of the countdown. When we get to the final 3 seconds, I turn to my friends and it's almost like time slows down.

In all his excitement, Portman bounds around like a kid at Christmas. In doing so, he trips on his untied shoelace - losing his footing. The momentum he already has makes him fly forward. As the clocks read midnight and cheers of 'happy new year' fill the air, Dean completes his fall - crashing into Fulton and accidentally kissing him as they tumble to the floor. Fulton groans in pain as he narrowly avoids hitting his head on the ground. Meanwhile, we can't help but stare at this spectacle. That's when I realise that Averman has his camera raised.

"Please tell me you got that." I appear by his side, not taking my eyes away from the scene in front of me.

"I definitely got that."

"I'm gonna need as many copies of that as possible." I continue staring as Dean is still stuck on top of Fulton.

"Yeah, me too." Charlie chuckles from behind us.

"Dude, get off me, man!" Fulton shoves him to the side and is helped up by Dwayne.

"I'm sorry! I tripped!"

Dreading the ensuing photos, they try to forget it happened as we continue partying. For a little while, we stay on the roof before people spread out and go inside. The party lasts for a few more hours until we drag each other home or to someone else's house for a sleepover (including Ken and Dwayne staying at my place). It's been a hell of a night and a hell of a year. I can't wait to see what this new year brings.... I really hope that picture isn't blurry.

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