Wild Wedding

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@best_shampoo has requested a follow up to the previous story, so here we are.

About 18 months ago, Fulton finally proposed to me after years of being together. It was just another day in our hectic lives. However, we both had the day off - which hadn't happened in a while. We got a bunch of our favourite movies lined up with a selection of snacks. Before starting the first movie, we decided to bake some cookies. Cue us dancing around the kitchen as we belt out the lyrics to our favourite songs.

Home Sweet Home by Motley Crue comes on as I dig through the cupboards to try and find the chocolate chips. While doing so, I gush about my love for the song. When I turn around, there's Fulton on one knee, ring in hand with a grin plastered on his face. I could tell that he enjoyed the fact that he caught me off guard. Turns out he bought the ring like 2 months before Connie and Guy's wedding but never found the right time until now when we were in our element.

After years of waiting for that moment, I thought I'd be ready. In reality, I froze for a minute, unsure if I was dreaming. I started crying as I said yes - even Fulton teared up as he put the ring on my finger. After all that, we cuddled up on the couch under blankets to watch the films. Best night of our lives.

I wish I could say that the planning stage went as smoothly as it did when we helped out Connie and Guy, but it really didn't. We were on cloud nine when we started, but I felt it starting to slip as time went on. It has nothing to do with our relationship, if anything, I'd say going through it all together made us stronger. But everything you think that could go wrong did go wrong. The order of it all is a blur at this point, but here is a summarised list of things not going our way:

We wanted to book the same venue as Connie and Guy since it's close and good value for money. It was great until they called us to cancel and reschedule. TWICE! Due to this, we had to spend more on remaking invitations to send out and a chunk of people were almost unable to come to the new date. Half of the previous invitations had gotten lost then turned up at the intended houses after they had received the correct ones. Cue a bunch of confused wedding guests calling both of us to try and figure out which is right.

Shopping for a wedding dress was far from the dream experience movies make it out to be (plus Connie knew exactly what she wanted when she walked in). Connie, Julie and a couple others came with me and soon watched as my soul died. We went to multiple stores. For the life of me, I couldn't find a dress I liked on me. Every little insecurity was highlighted and put under a magnifying glass. My indecision made me feel like a fool - the tears didn't help.

I kept apologising for wasting everyone's time. It got to a point where I mindlessly suggested calling the whole thing off and just living like we had been. On the brink of shutting down, Julie left to make a call. Barely 5 minutes later, I see Portman darting past the store windows before realising he went to far and rushed through the door. At, I was confused why Julie called him, but it quickly made sense. Fulton couldn't see the dress, so Dean came to remind me who I am and get to the bottom of the issues.

"Look, I know you're freaking out about even the tiniest of things because you want it to be perfect. And I know you want Fulton to be here, but you're stuck with me. I'm gonna help you figure this out and find the perfect dress, and I'm not leaving until we do." Portman rambled without bothering to take a breath beforehand.

"I don't think I'm going to find anything - we've been at this all day." I sighed and stared with tired eyes.

"Well, I just got here. Now, I don't need a list of insecurities - I know them and what's going on up there." He pointed at my head. "Going for a white dress was your first mistake."

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