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Teenagers with paint - what could go wrong? Fulton needed help painting the walls in his room. Since he's home alone for a couple weeks (because his parents trust him), he decided to fill time by finally painting the walls. However, he doesn't want to do it alone. Myself, Dean and Julie offered to help. With painting well underway, we each take on a different wall. I pause the music when I notice a flaw in the plan.

"Hey!" Dean turns to me and whines

"Why'd you turn it off?" Fulton joins as Julie rolls her eyes.

"How are we gonna get the top? You don't have any ladders."

"Oh, yeah." Fulton realises.

"Let's just climb on their shoulders so we can reach." Julie suggests.

All in agreement, I resume the music. Once we've covered enough of our respective walls, we initiate our plan to cover the top of the walls. At first, we wobble as Fulton tries to regain his balance. Looking at Julie on Dean's shoulders, I can tell she almost slipped. We all laugh seeing how weird we look. Instead of painting, we end up playing chicken.

"You're goin' down, Gaffney." I taunt.

"Losers buy lunch." She declares.

"Game on!" Dean and Fulton quote Wayne's World in unison.

The battle begins. We still want to be careful not to get hurt. It's a close call, but Fulton and I come out victorious as Julie falls onto his bed. Still on Fult's shoulders, we cheer as Dean helps Julie up.


"Suck it!" I laugh before leaning down and planting a kiss on his head. "Sorry, good game."

"You're lucky I love you or I'd beat your ass." Dean glares.

"Losers buy lunch." Fulton repeats the rule as he lowers me to the ground.

"Yeah, yeah. What do you guys want? Julie rolls her eyes again.

"Just pick something up from Goldberg's diner I guess." I shrug.

"He working today?" Dean asks.

"Should be. You know our orders, right?" I check.

"Yeah. Be back soon." He confirms as him and Julie head out.

"Hey, can you grab a couple more cans of paint? I'll pay you back later." Fulton stops them.

"Yeah, sure."

Fulton and I get back to painting. Smiles remain on our faces as we share occasional glances. During the glances we randomly start laughing - not sure why. I dip my brush into the paint can and head back to where I was painting. However, as I turn around, I trip. Life is in slow motion as my body flops and the brush smashes into Fulton's face.

"Oh, Fult, I'm so sorry." I blurt out.

"You good?" He chuckles and he grabs my arms to stabilise me.

"Yeah. You got a little something there." I point at the paint smudge on his left cheek.

"Don't worry, I'll fix it." He smirks before he adds paint to my right cheek.

"Fulton!" My eyes widen and jaw drops and I laugh.

"Now we're even."

"Oh, that's it."

I quickly paint his forehead. Pretty quickly, we both start covering each other in paint. Shrieks and fits of laughter fill the room as more paint hits us. In a moment of panic, I grab the can I've been using and dunk it on Fulton's head. He then mimics me in retaliation - drenching me with the rest of his paint.

Fear strikes me, so I turn to run away. In my attempt, I slip on a paint puddle and crash into the wall. Before I can recover, Fulton traps me. Damn, he's got me. My back is stuck to the semi-dry wall as Fulton closes the space between us. He leans down and starts kissing me - I instantly kiss him back. Caught up in the moment of the make-out, we don't realise Dean and Julie came back. We jump out of our skin as Portman clears his throat.

"You missed the wall." Julie notices the mess we made.

We awkwardly laugh and decided to quit painting for the day. The room is a mess - there's no way he can sleep here right now.

"I guess you're staying with me tonight." I smirk at him.

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