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"Just leave me alone." I continue walking down the street as Varsity surrounds me, annoying me for the millionth time.

"Now why would we do that?" Rick grins.

"It's Sunday. You torture us enough as it is. At least leave us alone outside of school."

"Oh, come on dollface. We're just trying to be friendly." He gets too close to my face.

"Please." I scoff. "You idiots don't know the meaning of the word."

"Hey, you should watch your mouth, missy." Cole spits from the other side of me.

"Look, moron, I know you don't have a brain - but save it for the ice." I snap.

"What the hell did you just say to me?" Cole raises his voice to try and intimidate me.

"You're dumber than a bag of rocks, asshole!"

"Oh, you're asking for it!"

Knowing I've made a mistake, I start running. Considering they were already next to me, it doesn't take long for them to catch me. I get shoved into a wall in the nearby alley. As they all reach for me, I can't escape. I scream for them to get off me, desperately hoping someone will hear me. All I feel is pain with every blow. I try to fight back but its no use - I'm outnumbered. It feels like an eternity before someone else shows up.

"Guys, what are you doing? You know how much trouble we could get in? Too far! Get off her, come on!" Scooter appears and prys his friends off me - convincing them to leave because they could destroy their images. "Sorry, Y/N!" He calls out as he runs after them.

With them all out of sight, I fall to the ground - hyperventilating and shaking as I try to recover from that beating. Lying on the cracked concrete, I sob, coughing as I gasp for air. I can barely process what just happened.

Ice fights are one thing but being punched in an alley is another. There's no protective gear, no refs, no consequences and no one to help me fight. As I start to come around from my fear induced panic attack, I know there's only one person who can make me feel at ease.

I grab the dumpster beside me and manage to pull myself to my feet - groaning in pain from the pressure put on what will likely bruise. When my hand reaches my eyeline, I spot some fresh blood on it. Putting the other hand to my mouth, I realise one of them busted my lip. Great...

Finally mustering up the courage to move, I take a deep breath and exit the alley. As I walk down the street, people just stare at me. Not a single person checks to see if the bleeding ghost of a girl is okay. After 5 minutes of walking on high alert, constantly looking over my shoulder in case they return, I finally arrive at the door of my boyfriend's house. As I knock on the door, I'm still shaking.

"Babe, what the hell happened to you?" Fulton's concern is instant when he sees the blood.


"Jesus christ." He mumbles under his breath. "Come on, I'll clean you up. I wanna know exactly what happened." He grabs my hand and leads me into the house.

Fulton offers to let me borrow some clothes since mine got messed up - only partly due to Varsity. I happily accept, craving the warmth and comfort of his hoodies. As I change into Fult's oversized clothes, I'm cautious to prevent getting blood on them.

Back on his couch, Fulton gently tends to my busted lip as I retell the events that put me in this state. I can't help but wince with each stinging sensation. Blood now cleared, Fulton carefully and softly kisses it better - causing a small smile to creep onto my face albeit brief.

"It's my fault."

"No, it's not. Those guys are assholes."

"They only attacked me because I started insulting them." I remind him.

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