Prank Gone Wrong

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Due to the odd number of girls in the Ducks, Y/N had to room with a stranger at Eden Hall. The thought alone terrified her. Luckily, Y/N and her roommate, Phoebe got on like a house on fire. Phoebe went to every single game and became great friends with the rest of the team.

A couple years into their time at Eden Hall, Charlie and Fulton enlisted the help of Phoebe to scare Y/N. The trio ran into each other on the way to physics. Since the boys didn't have plans, they asked Phoebe to let them hide in their room. Luckily, they were all in the same final class of the day (with Y/N being on the other side of the school).

As the class flooded into the halls on that Friday afternoon, the troublemakers hurried back to the dorms. After fumbling the keys and getting into the room, Phoebe told them:

"I gotta go help them set up for the event, so I'm gonna have to lock you guys in here."

"No worries." Fulton smiled.

"Let me know how it goes."

"Will do!" Charlie called as she closed the door.

The boys chuckled whilst giving each other mischievous grins. They quickly hid in the pre-planned hiding spaces. Charlie slid under Phoebe's bed whilst Fulton hid in the shared wardrobe/storage area. They waited for what felt like a lifetime. Maybe Y/N just got held up in class or something. No matter how long it took they knew they had to wait until Y/N was settled in her room.

About 20 minutes passed before Charlie and Fulton heard the click of the door unlocking. Immediately after, the door slammed as Y/N threw her bag at the door to Fulton's location. The unexpected collision startled him. She then grabbed one of her hockey sticks and violently smashed it into the desk - causing it to break in half. The fit of rage concluded as Y/N flopped on her bed and screamed into her pillow. Her screams soon turned into violent sobbing.

Both boys were confused and unsure what they should do. Though they couldn't communicate with each other, they both knew the plan was a no go. Her cries continued as she questioned what she did wrong and why she had to be the punchline to a bad joke. Their hearts sunk as they witnessed their pained friend breaking down - completely vulnerable as she thinks she's alone.

With perfect timing, Charlie and Fulton left their hiding spots. They joined the crying girl on her bed - making her jump at the sudden appearance of others.

"When - how did you get in?" She sniffed as turned and sat up to face the boys.

They didn't answer. Instead, they pulled her into a group hug in which the tears began to flow again. They rubbed her back and stroked her hair to comfort her and calm her down. Eventually, she pulled away and wiped her tears away too. She moved into the corner of her bed - resting on the wall and backboard. Fulton sat beside her as Charlie sat with his back to the wall - Y/N's legs overlapping his.

"Who hurt you?" Fulton asked whilst handing her a box of tissues in case of more tears.

"I saw Tristan kissing Mindy at her locker. When I confronted him, he started shouting at me and called me every name under the sun." Y/N began to tear up but calmed herself after grabbing a tissue offered by Fulton.

"Fucking asshole."

"Let him keep that skank. He doesn't deserve you." Charlie shook his head whilst messing with Y/N's shoelaces - causing her to finally smile.

"What made it worse was that Varsity tripped me up and threw shit at me when I was trying to leave."

The trio trash talked Tristan, Mindy and the rest of Varsity for a while longer. Y/N then wondered about her roommate.

"Where's Pheebs?"

"Helping set up for that dance or whatever it is." Charlie reminded her.

"Oh, yeah. I really don't wanna go to that thing - especially now." She moaned, knowing Tristan and Mindy would be there.

"Then we won't go." Fulton shrugged.

"No, I don't wanna ruin the night for you guys."

"We don't want to go either. Besides we'd have more fun together away from those snobs." Charlie reassured his friend.

"Can I use your phone?" Fulton changed the subject, referring to the room's landline.

"Sure." She nodded as he began to dial. "Who you calling?"

He didn't answer her, he just waited for someone to pick up on the other line. After a few rings, the conversation began.


"Hey, man, why you using Y/N's phone?"

"I'll explain later. Can you swing by her room? Tristan cheated and Varsity threw shit at her." Fulton told his best friend and roommate.

"They are so dead. How's she doing?"

"Me and Charlie are looking after her. We're gonna plan something to do tonight with the Ducks - which is why you need to come over."

"Alright. Be there in 5."

He hung up the phone - allowing Y/N to talk to him again.

"He's gonna kill 'em, isn't he?"

"He's not the only one." Charlie smirked.

After grabbing the phone book for the dorms, Fulton called the rest of Ducks. They slowly started trickling into the room as Fulton made his final few calls.

"Oh, can you bring my chemistry book with you? I forgot to get it back after lunch."

"Yeah, no problem."

"Thanks, Connie. See you in a minute."

Within the next few minutes, all the Ducks were occupying both beds, a couple chairs and even sitting on the floor. Y/N retold the events from earlier that day. They all vowed to get them back somehow - but not that night. They came up with a new plan. Before enacting said plan, the group visited Phoebe and informed her of the situation and apologised for bailing. Phoebe didn't blame them at all - in fact, she wished she could bail and go with them.

In the end, they all went bowling. After a couple games, they ordered some pizzas to the lanes. No doubt, it was way more fun than the Eden Hall event would ever be. They couldn't stop laughing and really helped Y/N to take her mind off things. Somehow, Goldberg managed to throw his ball onto the next lane, interrupting Julie's turn - what's more impressive is he got her a strike. After bowling, they all hung out for a few more hours. She really appreciated how they all were there for her without hesitation. Y/N would always be grateful for this family.

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