It's A Cool Sticker

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Dressed in black, we grab our torches and make our way to the Varsity dorms. On the way there, we go over the details of the prank plan for a final time.

"We're like super spies." I say in a dramatic voice as I pose - Averman joining me.

"Shut up." Charlie turns to me.

"Wow, fuck me, I was only having some fun." I fire back.

"What do you think we're doing?"

"We're not at the fun part yet. Am I not allowed to have fun doing other stuff?"

"Just be quiet so you don't blow our cover." Fulton laughs and ruffles my hair as he walks behind me - I quickly swat his hand away and fix my hair.

"Damn, Luis. We're meant to be incognito and you still look like a model." Connie observes, gaining a quick glare from Guy.

"I try." A few of us laugh as I roll my eyes.

"Ken does too." Goldberg adds.

"It's the hats."

"Gotta say, the look suits you, Averman. You look great." I hype him up as he starts posing.

"Why, thank you."

"I can't with you two." Russ shakes his head.

"Hey, Dwayne, you want someone to come with you?" I ask him since we planned for him to get a horse and go alone on patrol.

"I appreciate it, but I'm alright." He smiles.

"You sure? I don't mind."

"Yeah, I'm alright."

As we get closer to the dorms, Dwayne breaks from the group for his part of the plan. We tell the cowboy good luck as we carry on walking. Shortly after, Connie and Guy split to go to their stations and the ant crew go to collect them. At the double doors, Luis turns to us and says:


"Let's do it." Fulton smirks.

From now on, we are on high alert. Julie, Kenny and Averman peer around the final corner whilst Fulton makes sure nobody is following us.

"Coast clear. Come on." Julie whispers.

We all quickly follow her into the hallway. Luis hands her some of the large tubes we dragged here as Ken and Averman take the strings to the first set of doors. I help Fulton unravel the rest of the string. Next thing I hear is Julie.

"Averman, what are you doing?"

"It's a cool sticker." He defends as he turns to face her.

"Like Portman never left." Fulton let's out a soft laugh before putting his torch in his mouth.

"He'd be proud." I put a hand on Averman's shoulder. "Ooh, grab me that one." I say as I point to a cool sticker.

"Come on." Julie hurries us.

With Luis taking the lead, we quickly make our way down the hall. Not a single door is left untied. We leave Fulton to tie each of them together so we can work on tube placement. Julie jams tubes under a door as I do the same on the other side. Once in place, Ken stands on Averman's shoulders to adjust the tubes from above (with Guy instructing him via walkie talkie). However, whilst trying to get a better look, Kenny tries to climb on his head. His feet slip around, messing with Averman's glasses.

"That's okay, it's just my face. No big deal." He sarcasticly states as his glasses get kicked off his face.

"I got you." I say as I save his glasses from hitting the floor before wearing them. "How do I look?"

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