Teaching Aggression

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Within the team, a few of us have been known to call Ken the little Bash Brother. Sure he's only been in that one fight, but we're proud of our little Bash Brother. I don't know about the others, but I've noticed the joy Kenny feels when we call him that. Whenever he's upset, that nickname always makes him smile.

A couple of days ago, Kenny visited us in the alley - narrowly avoiding the flying puck. We were pleasantly surprised to have his unexpected company. It was on that day that Ken Wu asked us to teach him our Bash Brigade ways, wanting to truly be the little Bash Brother and carry the aggression to his separate line.

After talking to Bombay, he's agreed to let us use the rink on our day off to help him out. Today is the day that Ken Wu truly becomes a Bash Brother. The four of us had a sleepover at Fulton's last night so that we wouldn't be waiting a million years for Portman to turn up.

With our gear on and the whole rink to ourselves, we do a few laps to warm up. We're no teachers but we know what Ken needs to know. I guess we're just gonna wing it.

"Show us what you got." Fulton takes the lead after the three of us look at each other confused by what to do.


"Hit Y/N. Knock her into the boards. Take her down. Just do something." Dean volunteers me without hesitation.

"Wha- why me? I didn't agree to be target practice!" I protest.

"You're smaller and lighter than we are." Dean looks at me like I'm an idiot.

"Yeah, you're easier to knock over." Fulton backs him up. "We'll start with you and work up to us, okay?"

"Fine." I sigh and turn to Ken. "Let's get it over with. Run at me."

The Bash Brothers move out of the way as Ken psyches himself up. I stand just in front of the boards. Though I see him stride towards me, the hit itself has almost no impact as I barely move.

"What was that?" Dean is disappointed by the display.

"Yeah, we've seen you do better, man. What gives?" Fulton adds to the confusion.

"Well, I don't wanna hurt her!"

"Kenny, we're hockey players. We take hits all the time. I've got my gear on, I'll be fine. Just hit me as hard as you can." I try to encourage him since he asked for our help.

"Are you sure?" He's still hesitant.

"Ken, buddy, you could knock me out and I wouldn't care." It's true, I just wanna help him out.

With my confirmation, Ken takes a deep breath and shakes away the nerves. On Dean and Fulton's count, he charges towards me, hitting me into the boards with more force. We cheer before giving him some pointers.

"There you go!" Dean hits his arm in support

"Better, but you're still holding back." Fulton turns back to the lesson.

"Well, yeah, a little. But I-"

"Don't wanna hurt her." We all say simultaneously.

"Kenny, I love ya and it's cute you don't wanna hurt me, but come on."

"Yeah, you wanted us to help you, so let us help you."

"Sorry, guys. I appreciate it but I don't think I have it in me." Ken doubts himself, hanging his head in shame as he goes to skate away.

"Kenny, Kenny, Kenny, Kenny!" Fulton rushes to get his attention.

"Where you goin', man?" Portman puts an arm around him and guides him back to me.

"I can't do it."

"Hey, we call you the little Bash Brother for a reason, man." Fulton consoles him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah." Dean and I agree.

"You got the heart but your good nature is getting in the way. Remember the enemy has padding and you can't let them steal the puck." Fulton explains.

"You gotta finish those checks, man."

Despite our words of wisdom, Ken still is reluctant to use all this power on me. I hate to do this but desperate times call for desperate measures. I think back to when we met Russ' brother and adopt that same technique.

I get in his face, slowly skating towards him as he tries to back away. Verbally challenging him and question if he's got the guts, I poke at him knowing that he's gonna break. Dean and Fulton don't intervene, knowing that this may be the only way to get through to him. Just as I thought - bang! I lose my footing and crash to the ice, groaning at the sudden contact.

"There it is!" Portman becomes the biggest supporter.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Ken immediately regrets his actions.

"I'll feel that in the morning." I quip as Fulton helps me up. "Knew you could do it - you just needed a little nudge in the right direction."

"Can't believe that's happened twice." Ken recalls learning about ice fights.

"It worked though."

"You got the spirit, little man." Dean praises him.

"But you gotta do it again." Fulton emphasises the use of practice.

"Alright!" Ken has new enthusiasm.

"Okay, Kenny. One word of advice...try to kill me."

With directions from Dean and Fulton, Ken perfects his hits and gets better at using aggression. We swap out and all end up getting knocked down at one point or another. Soon enough, we bring out the pucks, helping Ken to use his new skills in a game situation.

Since he's smaller then basically any player out there, we use it to his advantage. He's short, fast and highly skilled due to his Olympic run. We've figured out that he can fake people out easily and combo with us for aggressive plays. Plus he doesn't have to crouch to get lower for bigger hits.

"You're a beast!" Fulton cheers.

"Little Bash Brother is here to stay!"

"Welcome, officially, to the Bash Brigade." We all hug him and celebrate.

We can't wait for Kenny to put these skills to good use. They won't know what him them.

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