Boat Day

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Bombay went all out this time. Since we're in LA, he used his new money to organise a boat day. All of us on a big boat with those inflatable things. I'm definitely paranoid that someone is gonna push me off the side. I'm not the best swimmer (I can swim though) - it's been years since I went swimming. Plus, some kid tried to drown me once. It's a glorious day, so I decided to put on the Pantera shirt I stole from Charlie, some shorts and light pink shoes that are either mine or Connie's - I honestly don't remember at this point.

"Who's gonna throw up first?" Guy jokes as we start filing onto the boat.

"Definitely Goldberg." Adam laughs.

"Hey! Why do you guys always have to pick on me?"

"Sorry, Goldberg." Ken shrugs.

"Man, you can barely stay upright on land." Russ puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Is that my shirt?" Charlie turns to me - I give him an awkward smile and rush onto the boat towards Julie.

As we slowly begin drifting away from shore, I sit between Dean and Fulton leaning against a railing. A load of them can't stop talking about how excited they are to be dragged and thrown around on an inflatable thing. Honestly, it does sound awesome.

After another 25 minutes, people are constantly jumping off the side of the boat - and shoving each other in. Coach has been letting us blast some music. Dancing with Luis and Connie, I start hearing Goldberg panic along with frantic splashing.

"Guys, help!" He shouts.

"Oh my god! Averman's drowning!" Ken freaks out.


Everyone begins panicking. Fight or flight kicks in. I quickly kick off my shoes and run towards the edge. As I'm about to jump in, The original Ducks start to panic more. I told them I couldn't swim to avoid any awkwardness of wearing a swimsuit around them.

"Y/N! No!" Coach tries to stop me - also thinking I don't know how to swim.

He's too late. As I splash into the water, Goldberg climbs back onto the boat. I swim as fast as possible over to Averman - the team filled with fear as someone jumps in after me. When I reach Averman, I begin to drag him back to the boat. I struggle to keep his head above the water and swim at the same time. Luckily, the Bash Brothers had jumped in after me. Dean swiftly takes Averman from me and Fulton assists me back to the boat. Dean and Averman get out of the water first before Adam and Charlie help me get back on board.

"Anyone know CPR?" Connie asks.

"I do." I answer.

I crouch down next to Averman and start giving him mouth to mouth. Everyone crowds around us as I continue my efforts. There is no way I'm losing him today. Suddenly, I hear confusion from behind me.

"Huh?" Luis and Dean say.

"What the hell?" Jesse mutters.

As I turn back to Averman to repeat the cycle, he pins my head down and starts making out with me against my will. I can't escape. I let out a shriek as Dean, Fulton and Julie help to pull me away.

"What the fuck, Averman?" Luis comes between us.

"Did you plan that?" Guy hopes he didn't.

"Sort of." Averman sheepishly admits.

"Asshole!" I grab his arm and throw him back into the water. "Did you know?" I interrogate Goldberg.

"No!" He tries to appear innocent.

"You're a terrible liar." I state, prompting Dean to push him back in the water.

During this chaotic occurrence, I began crying a little out of fear and anger. As I turn back to the group, Charlie instantly pulls me into a tight hug. Soon enough, they all crowd around me and bombard me with questions. After explaining how and why I'd been lying about my swimming ability - they back off a little and give me some more space.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Coach asks with concern.

"I'll be fine."

A few minutes later, I find myself leaning against Fulton - Dean on the other side of him and Charlie practically glued to my side. They don't want to leave my side. Averman and Goldberg don't dare to come over to me. That whole thing exhausted me - that paired with the heat and comfort of being cuddled into my boys makes me slowly fall asleep. About 10 minutes later, Charlie shakes me awake.

"I fell asleep, didn't I?" I rub my eyes.

"Only for a few minutes." Him and Fulton smile.

I get up and stretch my legs before walking over to the cooler to grab a can of coke. With the can in hand, I turn around to become face-to-face with Averman and Goldberg. They look super guilty.

"I'm really sorry, Y/N." Averman struggles to look at me in the eyes.

"Me too." Goldberg adds.

"I didn't know you'd jump in. The plan went wrong. It was disgusting, I know. I promise it won't happen ever again."

"Yeah, and I'm sorry I helped him."

I take a deep breath and say, "It's okay. It was just a big shock and I was scared shitless. Never do that again."

"Never. I promise."

They give me quick hugs - apologising profusely and promising to give me some space for as long as I need. I go to walk back to the boys but Dwayne and Ken stop me.

"Hey guys."

"Howdy." Dwayne smiles.

"Since we know you can actually swim - you wanna go on the inflatable thing with us?" Ken asks excitedly.

"Hell yeah!"

The three of us climb on and prepare for a wild ride. Soon enough, we're soaring - constantly getting air. As the wind blows my hair back, I hear the team cheering from back on the boat. Next thing I know, the space to my right is empty.

"We lost Ken!" I scream and laugh.

"Oh, shoot! Hold on!" Dwayne laughs with me as I cling onto his arm.

Not long after we lost Ken, I lose my grip and fly over the back and scream. As I hit the water again, Dwayne finally leaves the inflatable. They both swim over to me, still laughing. That was amazing. Still in the water, we hear Coach calling us back for burgers. It's been a roller-coaster of a day, but I'd do it all over again. Well, most of it.

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