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Saying I'm behind on coursework is an understatement. Missing a week might not seem like it's a lot of work - but when it's for a single project, it is. Burn out is real and that's without this on top. Plus the fact the teacher keeps getting my name wrong - even though it hasn't been a problem for the last couple years - makes it super tempting to not do anything.

They expect so much, it feels impossible. All the pressure has blocked any idea that could help me with it all. Because I desperately need to catch up, I've been unintentionally distancing myself from the team. I don't want to do it - I love them too much to just ignore them willingly. It just happened.

Believe me, they've tried to help, but its not something with set answers. They tried. Pages on pages of detailed research, brainstorming in-depth ideas, pitches and an insane amount of pre-production way before the stress of actually making something. Fulton came to keep me company so I'm not going mad - he was too late for that.

"Come on, take a break." Fulton urges me to step away as he sits on my bed.

"Take a break." I mimic in a stupid voice, irritated.

"I'm serious." He tell me sternly. "Y/N, you're driving yourself insane - it's not healthy. You need a break."

"I can't take a break, Fulton!" I snap at him. "I have way too much to do and I can't think of a single damn idea!"

Looking over at him, he stares back at me blank with shock. Realising what I've just done, my face turns from visible rage to instant regret. I've turned into a monster. The thought that I've been hurting Fulton and the rest of the team without knowing makes me burst into tears. As my hands quickly cover my face, Fulton rushes over to console me. He wraps his arms around me as I cry into his shirt.

"What's wrong with me?" I sob.

"Nothing, sweetheart. You're just under a lot of stress." He rubs my back.

"But I yelled at you, Fult. I've been pushing you guys away. What kind of friend does that?"

"Darling, listen to me." Fulton grabs my head, forcing me to look into his eyes. "We all know what you're dealing with. Nobody is blaming you for anything. If anything, we're worried about you because it's eating you alive."

"I just want this to be over with." Defeat washes over me.

"I know." He kisses my forehead. "Come on, let's go get some food and sunlight. It'll help, I promise."

For the first time in who knows how long, I go with him and take a desperately needed break. We spend a few hours far away from the nightmare in my room. We even hang out with the Ducks. By the time we get back, it's around midnight.

"You wanna stay over since it's already late?"

"I was gonna stay anyway." He chuckles. "Step away from the computer." He glares at me as I fall back into work.

"I'm just writing up something I forgot to do before." I defend.

"It's midnight."

"I don't want to forget it again. Just this bit, I swear."

"Fine." He sighs, knowing I won't budge.

"Go to bed, I'll be there soon."

Like I told him, I made sure to finish the work I had previously started. When I finally finish it, I realise that Fulton has already fallen asleep. So precious. I'm about to join him when I finally get an idea for my project. I have to write it down so I don't forget about it. As I write it down, new details come to mind - I have to put them on the page. After finally getting out every detail, I hear a groggy voice behind me.

"Y/N, why are you still up?"

"I finally had a good idea - I was just writing it down real quick." I shrug, smiling because I actually did work I'm proud off.

"Quick? Honey, it's 6am."

"What? Shit, I'm not even that tired."

"I'm risking my life just saying this but-"

"Then stop before it's too late." I interrupt.

"Babe, you look like a racoon with the amount of black around your eyes."

"Thanks. I always knew I was a trash panda."

"You're still adorable though. And the sarcasm only gets stronger." We both laugh. "Now you've finished that stuff, come sleep."

"I'm not even tired. Might as well do whatever morning people do."

"Bed. Now." He demands.

"Okay." I playfully pout before he drags me away from the computer. Once we're in bed, he goes to hold my hand like normal.

"Jesus, your hands are freezing."

"So warm 'em up, lover boy." I sass him.

Fulton pulls me close to warm me up. That alone makes me instantly become sleepy. It doesn't take long for us both to finally fall asleep.

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